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they were diffrent by love and happieness

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Q: What is one way democracy in Athens was different than democracy today?
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What was the first democratic society?

In name, Athens. However, it was a different model of democracy than that which exists today.

How is voting in Athens different from today?

America uses a variant of this, representative democracy, or a republic. The people elect others to make laws and decisions for them. This is less fair but quicker than Athenian democracy.

What kind of demcray did the Athens have?

Athens had a direct democracy. A direct democracy people vote on issues as a individual, rather than elect a representative.

Why do you think that despite such limits Athens is still admired as an early model of democracy?

Athens became a genuine democracy - the citizens in assembly made the decisions and the council carried them out. Compared to this, today's representative democracies elect politicians, who do what they want, rather than what the electors want.

How was power in Athens handled differently than power in Persia?

Persia had a king. Athens had a direct democracy.

How did democracy come about in Athens and when did this occur?

Hi mommy i love you <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does a democracy look like today?

It used to be the USA, but not anymore. If you disagree with someone, They call you a racist (right Obama).

What ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy?

Western democracy has a variety of ancient roots, but none runs deeper (or stronger) than Ancient Greece; in particular, the ancient city-state of Athens. It was in Athens that democracy first appeared in recorded history, and it is from Athens that modern advocates of democracy have taken at least partial inspiration for their own commitments to government "of the people, by the people, for the people."

Did people in Athens have a full democracy?

It was direct democracy - far fuller than today's representative democracies. The citizens met in fortnightly assembly and made decisions on all matters before them. These decisions were implemented by the Council without question. In today's representative democracies, elected members of parliaments can do what they like until the next election.

Which group of people was able to vote in the Athenian democracy how was Athenian democracy different than the democracy we know today?

The adult male citizens voted. They voted in fortnightly assemblies. In today's representative democracies, citizens elect representatives to a parliament, and hope that their representative will vote the way they wish.

Why was a democracy created?

It was started when Athens and the citizens got in a big disagreement and made up a democracy Democracy started in 508 B.C when an uprising in Athens, Greece led to the "rule of the people" or democracy. We know about the democracy in Athens because of the philosopher Plato.

What kind of government did the citizens of Athens Greece live under?

Athens, Greece was one of the birthplaces of democracy. Athenian democracy was a direct democracy in which every citizen voted directly on issues of importance, rather than electing representatives to vote for them.