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Q: What is one way in which irony surprises the reader?
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How does understatement create irony?

By downplaying a situation in a way the reader doesn't expect///// Apex

What is one way that Swift uses irony in a modest proposal?

He causes the reader to distrust the narrator.

What is romantic irony?

Romantic irony is a literary technique where the author or narrator presents events in a way that is different from what the characters understand, creating a sense of irony for the reader. It often involves contrasting romantic ideals with the reality of a situation, highlighting the discrepancy between expectation and outcome. This technique is commonly found in works of Romantic literature.

Where or what is the most accurate height predicto?

There is no way to "predict" how tall you will be unfortunately. It's one of the surprises of growing up!

How are verbal irony situational irony and dramatic irony all the same?

all are suprising in some way

How do you explain irony and ironic?

The word irony means saying one thing while showing another. The word ironic means that something happens in the opposite way that it was expected.

What is one way the reader can tell this stanza is from a ballad?

It has a musical sound

How can one install a media card reader?

There are many ways to install a media card reader. One way is to install from a CD-ROM inserted into a PC. Another way is to download an installer and install it.

What is one way that Swift uses irony in modest proposal?

He creates a distinction between what he says and what he really means.

What is the difference between irony and sarcasm?

Irony is when the intended meaning is opposite of the literal meaning, often used to convey humor or wit. Sarcasm, on the other hand, involves using irony to mock or convey contempt, often in a satirical or mocking way.

What is a helpful way to remember irony?

Its opposite day

What is one way the reader can tell that The Raven is an example of structured poetry?

There is a phrase that is repeated.