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Q: What is one way that cells in our bodies use lipids?
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Cells store what in lipids to use later?

Cells store energy in the form of lipids, primarily as triglycerides, within specialized structures called lipid droplets. These lipid droplets can be broken down through a process called lipolysis to release stored energy as needed by the cell.

What do cells use to store lipids to use later?

Energy cells store in lipids to use them later.

Lipids are the base molecules our bodies use to make?


Cells use what to get energy only when carbohydrates are not available.?

Cells use lipids when carbohydrates are not available.

Cells store in lipids to use later?

the answer is:energy

What do cells to get energy when carbohydrates are not available?

Cells use Lipids when Carbohydrates are'nt available.

What do cells use to get energy only when carbohydrates are not available.?


Is it true that cells must transfer the energy in lipids to ATP before the cells can use the energy?


In what form do lipids enter the cells of the body?

Lipids enter cells in the form of lipoprotein particles. These particles are composed of lipids and proteins and are used to transport lipids across cell membranes. Once inside the cell, lipids can be broken down and utilized for energy or stored for future use.

Do all cells have Golgi bodies?

No, not all cells have Golgi bodies. Golgi bodies are found in eukaryotic cells, where they are involved in modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins for secretion or for use within the cell. Prokaryotic cells typically lack Golgi bodies.

What do cells use to get energy when the carbohydrate are not available?

Keytone bodies

How do fats contribute to ATP production?

Muscles, fat cells and the liver metabolize lipids to form ATP during fasts, including overnight. After eating, fat cells and liver cells can use fatty acids from the diet to make new lipids to store in adipose cells.