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"Windy" or "wordy", there aren't many.

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Q: What is one word for a person who talks a lot starting with w?
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What is a person who talks in a lot of languages and translates them?

I believe that they are called translators.

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What do you call someone who talks a lot without stopping?

Such a person is called a chatterbox.

What do you call a person who talks a lot?

A person who talks a lot is often referred to as a "chatterbox" or "blabbermouth."

What is the Word for someone who talks a lot?

One would be garrulous and another would be loquacious...

What does yappy mean?

Yappy is the word for the sound some dogs make when tend to have a bark that is sharp and shrill. It can also apply to a person who talks on and on, usually about foolish or unimportant things.

A person's character can be shown by?

A person's character can be shown by the way that person talks,walks,and there is a lot of other things u can discover in someone that shows you who that person is really is.

Who talks a lot from mindless behavior?

Princeton, But When He Talks On Interviews He Can Get Romantic

What is a word for a person who sleeps a lot?

A narcoleptic person; a person with narcolepsy.

What do you call a person that always has something to say?

The only word I can think of to describe a person that always has something to say if called a Motormouth. So if you know someone that talks a lot just call them a motormouth.

What is a word for someone who just likes hearing the sound of their own voice or talks a lot because they have a need to be heard?
