

What is onomatopoeia and give five examples of it?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Words of actions





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Q: What is onomatopoeia and give five examples of it?
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Give 5 example of a onomatopia?

"Buzz" - the sound a bee makes. "Crash" - the sound of two objects colliding. "Meow" - the sound a cat makes. "Sizzle" - the sound of food cooking in a hot pan. "Boom" - a loud explosive sound.

Give examples of onomatopoeia?

Onomatopoeia is the formation or use of words that imitate natural sounds associated with an object, action, or reproduction of a sound. Some examples are tinkle, buzz, and chickadee. onomatopoeia is the imitation of nature sounds; such as zip, buzz shhhh while you are talking about an object you can relate it with natural nature sounds.

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Buzz Crash Zip Meow Woof Bang Hiss Slurp Boom Clap

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The bees buzzed around the flowers. The car screeched to a halt. The fire crackled in the fireplace. The clock ticked loudly in the quiet room.

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