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Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus

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Q: What is order material passes through large intestine?
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What happens to indigestible material in the small intestine?

It goes into the large intestine and then into the excetory system

Does the food go through the small intestine first or the large intestine first?

Partially digested food enters and passes through the Small Intestine before it goes to the Large.

When we eat food what are the first 3 organs that it passes through?

The stomach, large intestine and the small intestine

What happens as foods moves through the large intestine?

As the material moves through the large intestine, water and nutrients are absorbed into bloodstream. The remaining material is readied for evacuation from the body.

What major organs does food passes through?

Stomach, small and large intestine

What is the order of the digestive tract that food passes through?

food passes throw 6 digestive organs in your body. Mouth ,esophagus ,stomach ,small intestine ,large intestine, and rectum.

When you eat fiber which organs does it passes through?

mouth, gut, stomach, small intestine, large intestine simple :) (:

Which intestine contain bacteria that feeds on material passing through?

It is the large intestine. AND you are so welcome

Where does food go after it leaves the stomach?

Food that leaves the stomach is called chyme. The chyme passes through a short passage called a duodenum. The duodenum releases enzymes which help digest the chyme before it passes into the small intestine. The small intestine absorbs the nutrients into the blood stream, and then passes digested chyme into the large intestine. The large intestine re-absorbs the water that was mixed into the chyme in the stomach, duodenum, and small intestine. The large intesting then compacts the undigested material into the stool, which passes into the descending colon. . When sufficient stool collects in the colon, it passes into the rectum. When stool collects the rectum, you develop an urge to defecate, which is the expulsion of the stool from rectum out the anus.

How does the intestines contribute to the digestion?

The large intestine, no digestion takes place there. The large intestine passes along the waste product and it exits through the anus.

The order of which food passes through you?

mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and finally the anus.

What nutrient molecule passes through the wall of the digestive system into the blood?

the answer is the large intestine