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Q: What is osha requirement for storing items on top of cabinets?
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What is the OSHA requirement concerning the OSHA poster?

an osha inspection begins when the osha compliance officer

How often does OSHA require spore testing?

OSHA has no requirement for spore testing.

Items recommended by OSHA are used for what?

Items recommended by OSHA are used to prevent hazards

Where can you find a list of all OSHA standards and requirements?

All OSHA standards and requirement can be seen at the OSHA web site.

What are the OSHA rules for fire extinguishers?

The OSHA regulations set the requirement to have extingishers, refers to the NFPA standards, and sets a requirement to train workers to use them.

Is an OSHA Recordable case a legal obligation and requirement?

You are legally required to record and OSHA recordable case.

Explain the use of the word should in OSHA standards?

In OSHA standards when the word "should" is used it is generally advisory and does not establish a requirement, the violation of which can produce a citation. When a requirement is intended, the word "shall" is used.

Was the purpose of Executive Order 12196 of February 1980 to expand upon the OSHA requirement for federal employers to have a program consistent with OSHA standards?


What is an OSHA standard?

An OSHA standard is a regulation issued by OSHA, after proper notice and comment, that sets a minimum requirement in some area of practice or activity over which OSHA has authority. Such a standard establishes a minimum level of safety in the workplace acceptable to society at large.

What is the purpose of OSHA in the medical industry?

OSHA has the same purpose in all industries that are subject to that regulatory agency. That purpose is to enforce the general requirement that each employer provide employment and a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards.

Do you know where I can get some cheap OSHA safety training?

There are many that offers an affordable price on OSHA but not on what we expected. They give only a price for the course that you want to take as part of their promotional items.

Was OSHA enforced in the 1950's?

OSHA was not enforced in the 1950s. OSHA was not created until 1971.During the 1950s, a few states (New York and Pennsylvania, for example) had their own more limited, but sometimes better focused, organizations for seeking improvements to workplace health and safety, but there was no US national requirement in this area.