

What is other name for the planet Jupiter?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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5th Planet from the Sun.

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Q: What is other name for the planet Jupiter?
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How planet Jupiter get its name?

they named the planet Jupiter after the Roman god Jupiter

What is the name of the planet that spins faster than the other planets?


What does planet Jupiter do?

planet jupiter orbits the sun like other planets

Is Jupiter a common noun?

No, the noun Jupiter is a proper noun, the name of a specific planet. The common noun for Jupiter is planet.

Why isn't Jupiter classified as either a terrestrial planet or a jovian planet?

Jupiter is a Jovian planet. The word "Jovian" comes from "Jove," which is another name for Jupiter.

What is the name of biggest planet?

Jupiter is the largest planet and the smallest is pluto .

What is Jupiter named after?

The planet Jupiter was named after the Roman God of Thunder and lightening..

Why did astronomers name Jupiter after the god?

because the planet jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and the word jupiter means supreme god

How did Jupiter gets its name?

No one can say for sure why the planet Jupiter was given that name. The ancient Romans, or their ancestors, gave it that name. It was named after the Roman god, Jupiter, who was identified by the Romans with the Greek god Zeus.

What is the name of the planet that got smashed between Mars and Jupiter?

The name of the planet that got smashed between Mars and Jupiter is called "TIOMA"

Which other plantes could fit into Jupiter if it was hollow?

Jupiter is the largest planet of our solar system, as such any other planet would fit within Jupiter if it was hollow.