

What is other name of opposite?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is other name of opposite?
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Because, in this four sided figure, the opposite sides are parallel to each other.

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Another name for opposite operations is inverse operations.

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Another name for the opposite of a number is Additive Inverse.

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A parallelogram is a shape with opposite sides equal in length and parallel to each other. Examples of parallelograms are: rhombus, square, rectangle, and rhomboid.

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Opposite leaves are opposite each other, on opposite sides of the plant stem. Alternate leaves are on opposite sides of the stem but they are higher or lower than each other - not opposite

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You could say that you are being "opposite of how other people are" on Opposite Day. If you say the opposite of an opposite, it is a true expression.

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i think it is

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An isosceles trapezoid.