

What is other name of phloem?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is other name of phloem?
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What is the the role of the phloem?

Phloem takes the plant food from the leaves and takes it to other parts of the plant

What is a tissue that moves sugar from the leaves to other parts of the plant?


What is phloem sap?

Phloem sap is a nutrient-rich, watery fluid that flows through the phloem tissue of a plant. It is responsible for transporting sugars, amino acids, hormones, and other organic molecules from the leaves, where they are produced through photosynthesis, to other parts of the plant. Phloem sap moves through the plant in a process called translocation.

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The picks up sugars and other products of photosynthesis from the leaves and distributes them throughout the plant?

the answer is phloem

What is the name of the tissue that contains seive tubes?

Parenchyma cells in "phloem tissue"

Which labels name the parts of the Tree's transport systems?

the vascular system - xylem and phloem tubes

What is the Name of the tissue in which sugar produced in photosynthesis is carried to the parts of the plant?

In plants the tissue that transports sugar made by photosynthesis is called the Phloem. N.B. The Phloem supplies all other parts of the plant , so that the tissues and organs that can't make their own food receive products of photosynthesis.

What are the two vascular tissues found in the root and stem systems?

Xylem and Phloem Xylem-transports water from the roots Phloem-transports food from the process of photosynthesis through other parts of the plant

What are phloem tubes?

Phloem tubes are the tubes in the plant transport that transports food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant

What is the name of the tissue that contains seive tube?

The Phloem.

What tissue in plants is made of specialized cells that transports nutrients from the leaves to other areas of the plant?

Phloem is made of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma. These are specialized cells to transport nutrients from leaves to other area of the plant.