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Q: What is our response to the prayers of the faithful?
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What is another name for prayers of intercession?

"Prayers of the faithful" is another name for prayers of intercession.

Is the Prayers of the Faithful the same as Prayers over the gifts in the Roman Catholic faith?

No, the prayers of the faithful are prayer intentions being offered the prayers over the gifts are to do with the Eucharist and the transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.

What is another name for the prayer of intercession?

prayers of the faithful

What part of the mass is the prayers of the faithful?

The prayers of the faithful, also known as the general intercessions, are typically part of the Liturgy of the Word in the Catholic Mass. This is when the congregation offers prayers on behalf of the Church, the world, and specific intentions. It usually follows the readings and the homily before moving into the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

When do the prayers of the faithful take place?

At the very end of the Liturgy of the Word. The Liturgy of the Word ends with the Homily, the Creed (on Sundays and Solemnities) and then the Prayers of the Faithful. Immediately afterward, the Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.

Why did ancient Greeks sacrice to the gods?

Sacrifice was the means by which prayers were lifted to the abode of the gods in the heavens. The smoke from the burning sacrifice carried the prayers of the faithful.

Why do you have assigned prayers in every bead in the rosary?

The Rosary was developed as an aid to support the faithful in their prayers. Specific prayers are not so much assigned to each bead as there is a bead to mark each prayer.

At what point during mass is money collected?

Right after the prayers of the faithful as the altar is being prepared for communion

What kind of prayer is a list of phrases each followed by a repeated response such as hear your prayer?

The kind of prayer you are refering to is "intercessory prayer" with a congregational response. Intercessions are prayers on behalf of others. Since one leader prayers, the congregation responds at certain points with "Hear our prayer" so that they can be involved in the prayer as well. Generally the response is prompted by an agreed upon phrase from the leader such as "Lord, in your mercy..."

Use Muezzin in a sentence?

The muezzin's powerful voice echoed across the city, calling the faithful to prayer.

Is any saint known to answer your prayers with a flower?

Saint Therese of Lisieux, also known as the "Little Flower," is often associated with answering prayers with a sign of a rose or a flower. She is known for her intercession and answering prayers with roses as a symbol of favor or blessing. Many believers have reported receiving flowers or the scent of roses in response to their prayers to Saint Therese.

What happens in the prayers of the faithful?

In the prayers of the faithful, also known as the general intercessions, the congregation offers petitions to God for the needs of the Church, the world, and the community. Typically, there are several intentions read by a lector or the priest, with the congregation responding in prayer or silence.