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An oxygen depleting substance is any material which consumes oxygen in the mixture which it occurs. In water pollution this is usually an organic material.

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Q: What is oxygen depleting substances?
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What is the ozone depleting substances?

There are many ozone depleting substances. These substances are the ones that can cause damage to the ozone layer.

What is ozone depleting substance?

There are many ozone depleting substances. These substances are the ones that can cause damage to the ozone layer.

What mandates the use of non ozone depleting substances?

The use of non ozone depleting substances saves ozone. They are HCFC's.

Ozone-Depleting Substances in the Philippines?

Ozone depleting substances are there in the whole world. Philippines also uses some of those.

What are ozone depleting substances and how they work?

The ozone depleting substances are the ones that deplete the ozone. They work by decomposing the ozone into its original constituents.

Where are ozone depleting substances used on ship?

The ozone depleting substances are the one that react with ozone and deplete it. They are used as refrigerants on ships.

How is the ozone layer destroyed?

Ozone is destroyed by ozone depleting substances. CFC's i.e. Chlorofluorocarbons have the highest ODS potential. They are compounds of Chlorine.The substances that are causing ozone layer depletion are freons, CFC's etc..These are called as ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

What is an ozone depleting substance ods-?

Ozone depleting substances cause damage to the ozone layer. CFC's are greatest of them.

Why is the zone layer depleing?

The ozone layer is depleting at a very fast rate. It is because of the human released ozone depleting substances.

What is ozone layer depression?

The ozone depletion is the lowering of ozone molecules. It is the depletion of the molecules due to the depleting substances used. Freons are one such depleting substances.

What are the substances causing the ozone whole?

The substances that are causing ozone layer depletion are freons, CFC's etc.. These are called as ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

How do humans help destroy the ozone?

Humans created CFC which are ozone depleting substances. These substances are the ones that react with ozone and deplete it.