

Best Answer

The Equator, the Antarctic Circle, and all other lines of latitude.

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Q: What is parallel to the Arctic Circle?
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66.5 dgrees north parallel?

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it is just south of the arctic circle

What latitude do the artice circle lie?

The Arctic Circle is the parallel of 66.5 degrees north latitude.

Does the meidian pass through the arctic circle or antarctic circle?

Every meridian of longitude on Earth crosses the Antarctic Circle, the Arctic Circle, and every other parallel of latitude on Earth.

What is the parallel of latitude that circumscribes the polar tundra zone?

The Arctic Circle

What is the parallel of latitude circumscribes the polar tundra zone?

The Arctic Circle

All areas north of the Arctic Circle are known as the what latitudes?

high latitudes

What parallel latitude is known as the Arctic Circle?

The parallel of latitude that runs 66° 33′ 44″ (or 66.5622°) north of the Equator.

Approximately what degrees north of the Equator is the Arctic Circle parallel?

66.5622 degrees north

What is the line of latitude at 66 degrees and 30 ' s?

That's close to the latitude of the Antarctic Circle.