

What is paslma?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What is paslma?
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How is your blood type determaned?

There are two important blood types: the ABO blood type and the Rhesus blood type. ABO is the A, B, AB, or O blood type, and the Rhesus type is the + or - usually written after the ABO blood type (eg. AB+ or O-). At the level of your blood, blood type is determined by proteins present on the surface of red blood cells, which circulate around your body delivering oxygen to cells. On the surface of red blood cells is a combination of three surface proteins: A, B, and Rhesus. Blood types code for the presence or absence of these proteins. Blood type A have A type surface proteins but lack B. Blood type B lacks A but has B proteins. Blood type AB has both, and Blood type O has neither A nor B. Rhesus positive exhibit the Rhesus protein, while Rhesus negative lack it. It is these proteins which determine which types of blood you can receive safely. Individuals with A type blood cells cannot be exposed to B type surface proteins safely, so B and AB blood is off the cards for them. O negative blood lacks any of these proteins so can be transfused into any patient, hence the term "universal donor". It is your genes which determine which of these proteins are expressed. As with the majority of genes you have two copies of both the ABO and Rhesus genes, one copy from your mother and one from your father. From each parent you inherent either an A, a B, or an O gene, and also either a Rhesus positive (Rh+) or a Rhesus negative (Rh-) gene. The combination of the two genes you have determines your blood type as follows: AA or AO = A Blood type BB or BO = B Blood type AB = AB blood type OO = O Blood type Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- = Rhesus positive Rh-Rh- = Rhesus negative