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Q: What is passed from generation to generation when organisms reproduce?
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What does biologically fit organisms mean?

the organisms can effectively survive and reproduce to make sure that its genetic traits are passed on. Those that aren't biologically fit are not able to reproduce effectively and eventually their genes pass out of the gene pool.

In humans select organisms with desirable traits that will be passed from one generation to another is called?

Selective breeding

Why was it important for organisms to reproduce sexually rather than asexually?

It shuffles and reshuffles genes in each generation, much like a person shuffling a deck of cards. Most prokaryotes reproduce asexually, and most eukaryotes reproduce sexually.

What information is not passed from generation to generation?

recessive traits

Does a bush reproduce?

All living organisms reproduce. They either reproduce by sexual or asexual way of reproduction. In sexual reproduction, you have haploid fallowed by diploid cell formation. Here genetic material will be different. Bushes includes many small plants. If they produce seeds, either by self or cross pollination, then from seeds you get the next generation. In vegetative propagation, you get the branch of the tree planted and if new plant grows from it, that can be considered next generation of the bush. In this genetic material will be same but the new generation will have it's own new life span. So all living organisms reproduce.

Group of organisms that can reproduce?

A group of organisms that can reproduce and create viable offspring is called a species.

What do organisms need in order to reproduce?

Most multicellular organisms reproduce sexually .

How do multicellular organisms reproduce?

They reproduce through meiosis.

Is the correct thing passed down from generation to generation or past down from generation to generation?

The correct phrase is "passed down from generation to generation."

How do ambas and other one-celled organisms reproduce?

How do amebas and other one-celled organisms reproduce?

Did Gregor Mendel discover that traits are passed from generation to generation?

how traits are PASSED from generation to generation.

What does biological organization means?

the organisms can effectively survive and reproduce to make sure that its genetic traits are passed on. Those that aren't biologically fit are not able to reproduce effectively and eventually their genes pass out of the gene pool.