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he wasn't the god of anything. Pegasus(Greek Πήγασος/Pegasos, Latin Pegasus) is one of the best known fantastical as well as mythological creatures in Greek mythology. He is a winged divine horse, usually white in color. He was sired by Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa.[1]He was the brother of Chrysaor, born at a single birthing when his mother was decapitated by Perseus. Greco-Roman poets write about his ascent to heaven after his birth and his obeisance to Zeus, king of the gods, who instructed him to bring lightning and thunder from Olympus. Friend of the Muses, Pegasus is the creator of Hippocrene, the fountain on Mt. Helicon. He was captured by the Greek hero Bellerophon near the fountain Peirene with the help of Athena and Poseidon. Pegasus allows the hero to ride him to defeat a monster, the Chimera, before realizing many other exploits. His rider, however, falls off his back trying to reach Mount Olympus. Zeus transformed him into the constellation Pegasus and placed him up in the sky.

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Related questions

Was Pegasus a god?

No, a Pegasus is not a god. A Pegasus was a winged horse found in Greek and Roman mythology.

Why is pegasus a constellations?

because a great god named Zeus turned Pegasus into a constellation.

How did pegasus die?

Pegasus did not die she was turned into a constillation from the great god Zeus

Who are medusas children?

medusa's child was pegasus. pegasus came out of medusa's body when medusa's head got cut off. unlike medusa, pegasus was a very good god.

What god was Bellerophon?

Bellerophon was not a god. He tried to fly on Pegasus up to Olympus, but failed.

Did pegasus die?

No he just became honnorable by a famous greek god and the god made a constilation for him.

Which Greek god soared away on Pegasus and killed the Chimera?

Bellerophon. He was not a god, but a mortal hero.

Are pegasuss real?

You mean is Pegasus real. You see, Pegasus is a Greek god. Not a species. Yes. He is real. In myth, the stars, books, and imagination.

Who is pegasus mom?

Pegasus' family is the gorgon, Medusa ( MUM ) an Greek God Poseidon (DAD). Brother Chrysaor. Grandpearents are Cronus and Rhea (POSEIDONS SIDE) and Phorcys and Ceto ( MEDUSAS SIDE).

What is Pegasus the mythical creature known for?

Pegasus was a winged horse sired by Poseidon who was the god of the sea in Greek Mythology. The name Pegasus means Spring Well, everywhere the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring spring burst forth. :)

Who would win Pegasus or Cerberus?

Hydra would win beacause he has so many heads

Who first saw Pegasus the constellation?

A DROP of blood got it to the sea and the sea of god came and created the winged horse and called it the pegasus and tamed it to someone could ride on its back ya that's i all i know i will keep reading about that I'm only 12 so yea