

What is ph12?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is ph12?
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Is PH12 more than PH10 on an acid and base scale?

Depends on what you mean by more, but a pH12 more basic than pH10 because it has fewer H+ ions per liter.

If ammonia has an acidic solution of ph12 then how many more acidic solution does household bleach has with a ph13?

The difference in Hydrogen ion concentration between pH12 an pH13 is 10 fold. But, no one should consider a solution with a pH of 12 an "acidic solution". Anything above pH 7 is a basic or alkaline solution.

An acidic solution of ph12 is how many times more acidic than ph13?

Anything with a pH of more than 7 is not acidic at all, it is alkaline.

What is the pH level of Potassium Hydroxide?

since it is a strong alkali its pH value will be 12-14 Depending on the concentration: 1% solution- ph12 10% solution- ph13 50% solution- ph14

Does acid have ph12?

No. An acidic solution will have a pH of 7 or less. A pH of 12 indicates a basic solution.

How is a indicator used?

If you mean a universal indicator, it is used to detect if a chemical is acid, alkali or neutral. It changes colour to show the chemicals position on the pH scale A universal indicator turns red at pH1 (Very acidic), orange at pH4 (Fairly acidic), yellow at pH6 (Not very acidic) and green at pH7 (Neutral). It turns more dark blue as it gets to pH10 (Quite Alkaline) and more to purple by ph12 (Even more alkaline) and to a dark purple by pH14( Very Alkaline).

Why is the PH scale 1-14?

hydrochloric acid (in stomach) lies in pH1 and so does sulfuric acid (in car batteries), the most acid rain ever recorded lies in pH3 and so does vinegar (ethanoic acid). orange juice in pH 5 and clean rain in pH6. distilled water is neutral so it's pH7. Toothpaste is pH9 smelling salts (ammonia) pH11, washing soda, pH12 and caustic soda pH14.