

What is physical pain?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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That is when your body hurts.

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Q: What is physical pain?
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this is a question in poor taste, if you can imagine how a person can feel physical pain, then you have an answer.

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The way to ignore physical pain is by blocking out the receptors in the brain. The way to do this without the use of medication is by adrenaline or intense anger.

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You wouldn't have any nerves or feel any physical pain.

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How can physical therapy alleviate pain?

Physical therapy is often considered one of the best treatment choices for alleviating pain. It is best suited for treating both acute and chronic pain. Physical therapists are experienced professionals who have experience treating various causes of pain and inflammation. Physical therapy treatment for alleviating the pain may include stretching exercises, low-impact aerobic training, pain-relief exercises, etc.  Some therapies and techniques that experienced physical therapists usually use to alleviate pain. They are heat and ice therapies, manual therapy, TENS and Ultrasound, etc.