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both are accomplished by cell membrance

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Q: What is pinocytosis and phagocytosis accomplished by in a cell?
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Compare phagocytosis and pinocytosis?

Phagocytosis and pinocytosis are both types of endocytosis, which occurs when a substance is brought into the cell. Phagocytosis is called cell eating, while pinocytosis is referred to as cell drinking.

2 type of endocytosis?

The 2 types of endocytosis are pinocytosis("cell drinking) in which liquids are taken up by the cell and then there is phagocytosis (cell-eating) in which the cell engulfs certain substances.

In which process does the cell used a vesicle to move molecules into the cell?


By what process also known as cell eating is a pacticular substance engulfed by a cell membrane and then digested?

The process of eating is also called Phagocytosis. The process of cell 'drinking' is called Pinocytosis

What are the differences between pinocytosis and phagocytosis?

Phagocytosis involves the cell taking in solid particles, while pinocytosis involves taking in fluids. In both, the cell engulfs the material with its membrane, creating vesicles.

Phagocytosis vs pinocytosis?

Pinocytosis is the introduction of fluids into a cell by invagination of the cell membrane, followed by formation of vesicles within the cells. Phagocytosis is the engulfing and ingestion of bacteria or other foreign bodies by phagocytes.

Process often thought of as cell eating is?

phagocytosis- cell eating pinocytosis- cell drinking

What is the process by which materials are engulfed by the cell membrane and brought into the cell?


What is the different between phagocytosis and pinocytosis?

Phagocytosis is the cellular intake of large molecules (e.g. proteins, polysaccharides) by pseudopodia; a large food vacuole is formed. Pinocytosis is the cellular intake of small molecules dissolved in the extracellular fluid; a smaller vesicle is formed. In both cases, matter is entering the cell.

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endocytosis and pinocytosis and exocytosis and phagocytosis. active transport

The movement of a substance into a cell by a vesicle is called?

Phagocytosis if a particle was absorbed. Pinocytosis if a fluid was absorbed.

What is the process by which extensions of cytoplasm engulf large particles called?

Endocytosis:==> Phagocytosis or Pinocytosis. Endocytosis is the name given to the process of cells absorbing molecules. Pinocytosis is intended for small molecules Phagocytosis is for large particles. (larger then ~around 0.75 µm in diameter)