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  • Pleurae exists in order to allow the two membranes to slide against each other without friction. The surface of these membranes consist of an area made up of shiny flat cells called themesothelium. Only with the help of the pleurae can the pleural cavity function properly. When this fluid becomes infected or compromised, the results are often serious. In fact, this type of infection must be treated right away in order to avoid further complications.
  • This portion of the lung area is extremely sensitive to pain and to bacteria. Frequently, the pleural cavity becomes infected with bacteria, which may cause inflammation. When a large amount of bacterial fluids collect between the pleural membranes, the result can be a serious infection known as pleurisy. Dry pleurisy occurs when no fluid is formed, but the area is still infected. Pain is often caused when the two membranes that make up the pleural cavity rub together. This can be caused by a number of conditions, including pneumonia, lung infections, and even kidney problems.
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Parietal Pleura are essential to the regulation and functioning of the pulmonary system. The Parietal Pleura form a lining in the cavity of the chest which encloses the lungs, and produces a serous fluid which enables the lungs to dilate and contract during respiration.

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Q: What is pleura in respiratory system?
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Which system does pleura go?

The pleura are part of the respiratory system. The pleura are the membranous coverings of each lung.

What is pleurisy disease in respiratory system with full detail?

inflammation of the pleura

How does pleura and lymph between the two layers protect the respiratory system?


How does pleura and lymph between the two layers protects the respiratory system?


How do you pleura function their respiratory system?

Er... what? Perhaps you meant to ask the question below (see the link)

What body system is the pleura?

That is a good question! You have a pleura, that surround the lungs. You have inner and outer layers (visceral and parietal layers). Both are connected to each other. In fact you have a balloon, in which your lungs grow. You take out the air from the balloon and you get the pleura. So both the come together at the blood vessels and bronchi. The lungs are totally elastic organs and collapse to small ball, if air enters the pleura. This elasticity of lungs create the negative pressure in the pleura. The negative pressure in pleura keeps the lungs in expanded condition. You have little fluid in the pleura. This reduces the friction between the outer and inner layers of pleura.

In mesothelial cancer of the pleura serous fluid is hypersecreted. How does this contribute to respiratory problems?


What is the component of respiratory system?

Some of the components of the respiratory system are the major structures like the throat, windpipe, and lungs. The other parts are smaller things like the alveoli, which are tiny sacs in the lungs where over a million of them work to transfer oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of blood.

What is the name for respiratory system?

The respiratory system is the system that handles breathing.

How does whooping cough affect your respiratory system?

The Respiratory System

What body system does pneumonia affect?

Pneumonia affects your body by making it hard for you to breathe.I read that it causeshigh fevershortness of breathchest painjoint and muscle painslow body temperatureincreased respiratory system ratelow blood pressurehigh heart ratePneumonia is a condition that normally affects the lungs. When the lungs cannot function properly other body systems do not get the oxygen they need to operate efficiently.

Which body system contains the trachea?

The trachea is the airway in the respiratory system.