

What is polar pack ice?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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9y ago

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Polar pack ice is snow which has been compacted into solid chunks of ice. It is found in the most extreme Northern and Southern regions of the planet.

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Polar Bears are native to the pack/sea Ice of the Arctic. There are therefore to be found in the countries which border this pack Ice, including Greenland, Norway (Svalbard), Canada, Alaska etc.

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Ice appears in nature in forms of snowflakes, hail, icicles, glaciers, pack ice, and entire polar ice caps.

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The polar bear is depended on the arctic ice pack to hunt seals. With the disappearance of the ice pack polar bears are quickly becoming extinct. I have seen a polar bear attempt to prey on Walrus and get mangled by the tusks of the great beasts. There is a small population of Polar Bears surviving at Moose Factory Manitoba living off of the town's garbage dump.

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