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political equality means that all the political rights are enjoyed by everybody & are not confined to a particular individuals there cannot be any discrimination against anyone thus, it is clear that everybody is equal before law. Anyone can be appointed to the highest position according to his ability. religion, class, colour, creed, sex do not have any significance before law.

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All citizens have the right to participate in the government, and to choose or remove public officials by voting.

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Q: What is political political inequality?
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Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.

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