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Q: What is posterior curvature of the heel called?
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What is a good sentence using the word posterior?

Actually, the word "Posterior" means: To the back. So, for example: Your heel is posterior to your toes.

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What is the maximum puncture depth during a infant heel stick?

The recommended site for heel punctures is the lateral (outside) or medial (inside) plantar surface of the heel. In small or premature infants, the heel bone (calcaneus) may be no more than 2.0 mm beneath the skin surface and no more than half this distance at the posterior curvature of the heel. Puncturing deeper than 2.0 mm on the plantar surface of the heel of small infants may, therefore, risk bone damage. When using incision devices, puncturing the heel at a 90' angle to the length of the foot is recommended.5 Such incisions create a 'gap' puncture (one which opens when pressure is applied) and further enhance blood flow. For infants, punctures must not be performed on: The posterior curvature of the heel. The central area of an infant's foot (area of the arch). Punctures to this area may result in injury to nerves, tendons, and cartilage. The fingers of a newborn or infant less than one year old. Earlobes.

Which anatomical plane does lordosis occur?

Lordosis is a spinal curvature in the median plane with an posterior concavity.

Which site would be preferred for micro-sampling on the bottom surface of an infant heel?

Posterior Curve >:)

Has a convex lateral surface called greater curvature and a concave medial surface called lesser curvature?

The stomach has a greater and lesser curvature. The greater curvature is the more lateral of the two.

What is the softer tissue attached to the posterior projection of the heel bone?

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What is the inward curvature of a bone called?

A fossa is an inward curvature or depression in the wall of a bone.

A lateral curvature of the spine is called what?

Scoliosis is a condition where there is a sideways or lateral curvature of the spine.

What is the curvature of a wing called?

the wing flap

The superior curvature of the uterus is called?

The fundus