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Q: What is potent compound in algae blooms that can quickly paralyze and kill animals?
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How fast do harmful algae blooms kill fish?

Algal blooms, depending on the severity, can kill fish very quickly. Minor blooms may kill fish that are sensitive to drops in the oxygen levels. Severe algal blooms are capable of killing all fish life in an area. The end results usually take a couple of days at the most.

What tree has thorns yellow blooms and grows in Texas?

My sister-in-law

Why does the rose plant need to attract insects?

As with all flowering plants, its blooms are its reproductive organs, but being totally immobile,depend on insects carrying their pollen (the equivalent of animals' sperm)to the blooms onother individual plants of the same species. The insects are attracted by scent and/or colour, and bythe sweet nectar - food reward for their work! Some plants, such as grasses, also use wind to carry pollen. Their beauty to us is biologically purely co-incidental. You may not find beautiful, the blossoms of some of the tropical forestBromellids, as theyemit the same odour as decomposing animal tissue to attract blow-flies as their pollinators!

Releases toxins that can kill marine life?

Toxic waste has a negative affect on marine life. The animals can become sterile, reproduce less, or be born with defects. The toxic waste also affects people because some marine animals are a food source for people. The contaminated animals, such as fish, become dangerous to eat.

Is it true that blooms of dinoflagellates can cause red tides?

Dinoflagellates are large groups of flagellate protests. Made up mostly of marine plankton that are commonly found in freshwater, these species create a red tide appearance when gathered together. This is how they earned their role in the red tide phenomenon.

Related questions

What consequences can result from algae and bacteria growing too quickly?

When algae and bacteria grow too quickly, they can cause harmful algal blooms (HABs) or bacterial blooms. These blooms can deplete oxygen levels in water bodies, leading to fish kills and other marine life die-offs. Additionally, some types of algae and bacteria produce toxins that are harmful to human and animal health when ingested or during contact.

Would you get sick if you ate the purple lilac?

Eating lilac flowers or leaves is not recommended, as they can cause stomach upset and digestive issues. It's best to enjoy lilacs as a visual and aromatic pleasure rather than as a food source.

How fast do harmful algae blooms kill fish?

Algal blooms, depending on the severity, can kill fish very quickly. Minor blooms may kill fish that are sensitive to drops in the oxygen levels. Severe algal blooms are capable of killing all fish life in an area. The end results usually take a couple of days at the most.

How can algal blooms be harmful to aquatic life?

because euglenophytes absorb waste and such... they recycle it and so!.. when theres to much waste the euglenophytes make things called "algal blooms" the algal blooms deplete the waters nutruents and oxygen killing algae and other organisms

How can algal blooms be bad?

Algae blooms are a form of bacteria and can cause skin irritation or respiratory irritation in people who get in the water or handle the algae. Some blooms of blue-green algae can produce chemicals that are toxic to animals and people who drink the untreated water.

When was Blooms of Darkness created?

Blooms of Darkness was created in 2006.

When was Blooms of Dublin created?

Blooms of Dublin was created in 1982.

When was Death Blooms created?

Death Blooms was created in 2000.

What is the ISBN of Blooms of Darkness?

The ISBN of Blooms of Darkness is 9789650714161.

How many pages does Blooms of Darkness have?

Blooms of Darkness has 265 pages.

When was Cereus Blooms at Night created?

Cereus Blooms at Night was created in 1996.

How can you tell if a pampus grass is male or female?

You cannot tell if pampas grass is male or female until it blooms. The female blooms with feathery, attractive blooms.