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In short a group of people from one specific ethnic group believes they were born in a certain place and have always lived there. (this would exclude "others" as invaders or illegitimate members of society).

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Q: What is primordial ethnicity?
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Sentence with primordial?

Yes, say it Primordial, or existing from the beginning of time. Anything is possible, really.

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Primordial Undermind was created in 1988.

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Primordial Lovers was created in 1970.

Can you give me a primordial sentence?

Animals hunting for food is a primordial instinct.

What is primordial goo?

It refers to liquid and chemical mixture from which life on Earth began. Biologists also call it the primordial soup, or the primordial sea.

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Primordial means it is the earlier form of its kind or dates from the start of a planet or universe. Primordial material is sometimes found on meteorites that fall to Earth.

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People with primordial dwarfism have a life expectancy of less than thirty years. Only a few people with primordial dwarfism have lived longer than that.

Is Verne troyer a primordial dwarf?

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