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Q: What is princess Diana favorite Christmas song?
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What did he refer to Princess Diana as in the song Candle in the Wind?

Candle In The Wind was copywrited in 2002, and actually has no reference to Princess Diana, but the singers daughter, who he refered to as "Princess"

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The theory is that Bryan Adams had a major crush on Princess Diana and she had one on him too, he wrote and dedicated the song "Diana" to her. There was speculation around the time of Diana's passing away weather they had a secret love affair with Bryan never claiming it was true, although he was a friend with Princess Diana he was never invited to her funeral.

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Princess Diana,'re welcome

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no it is not becuz the sound of music is not a christmas movie

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Andreas favourite Christmas song is Tu scendi della stelle

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Who wrote a song for Princess Diana's funeral?

Elton John's lyricist Bernie Taupin reworked a song written about Marilyn Monroe (Candle in the Wind) for Diana's funeral. It is known as 'Goodbye England's Rose' or 'Candle in the Wind 1997'. It became the best selling single of all time in the UK.

What was Princess Diana's favorite song?

I know like many people she couldn't just have ONE favourite. I know she liked some songs by Duran Duran. One of them was a song called "Rio" and I saw a Micheal Jackson interview about the princess and he said something about when he met her she asked if he was gonna sing "Dirty Diana". And he took it out of the show in respect for her but she said that was one of her favourite songs. So I only know the two Dirty Diana - Micheal Jackson Rio - Duran Duran

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hey i want to tell that Elizabeth killed princess Diana