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Q: What is process by which a single neuron relays messages to other neurons?
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What relays incoming pain messages from your ankle to your spinal cord?

neurons and synapses , that is nerve cells and their connections

What part of a neuron relays signals from one neuron to another neuron or to an effector?

synaptic terminal

What is the Spinal Reflex Arc?

A spinal reflex is an automatic, rapid response to a stimulus. The action is involuntary and occurs without any involvement of thought or the brain. In humans, this action occurs through a neural pathway called the reflex arc. To allow reflexes to occur very quickly, signals come directly from motor neurons in the spine, instead of being delayed by going through the brain.The arc works as follows:1. A receptor at the point of stimulus relays the message that there is an adverse stimulus to a sensory neuron2. The sensory neuron carries the message from the receptor at the point of the stimulus to the spinal cord (part of the central nervous system)3. In the spinal cord, a relay neuron, or inter-neuron, carries the message from the sensory neuron to a motor neuron4. The motor neuron then carries the message to the appropriate effector, at which point, the reflex occurs.After this spinal reflex occurs, sensory neurons send messages to the brain. The brain then relays this information and the messages are consciously interpreted. It is only at this point that you will begin to feel pain.Though this seems like a complicated process, spinal reflexes occur in under one second. Within that same second, the brain will consciously interpret the information and the person will feel pain.

What part of a neuron that relays a neural information?

The synapse. See my answer for What_type_of_signal_is_taking_place_during_neuron_to_neuron_communication

Which system relays messages to the CNS from the outside world and returns to messages to the body?

sympathetic system

What part of the brain relays messages to the other part of the brain?

I also think that you may be thinking of how one half (or one side) of the brain carries messages to the other side. That is done with a wide, flat bundle of neural fibers called the corpus callosum.

What structure receives a stimulus from the external environment and relays it to the sensory neuron?

The receptor!

Which brain structure functions as a relay station between the cerebellum and other brain structures?

Nothing relays information between neurons. Neurons passes the information to other neurons.

What is a serotonin neuron?

Serotonin is not a neuron, it is a neurotransmitter. It relays information between neurons, with serotonin producing a calming, happy feeling. Lack of serotonin can cause depression, but an over abundance of serotonin can cause psychosis.

What does spinal cord do?

The spinal cord - relays 'messages' to and from the brain - to all parts of the body.

What is the specific life function of the nervous system?

The nervous system is very important because it relays all messages from the brain, which is the control center of the body, to the rest of the organs in the body. The nervous system is divided into two main systems much as the skeleton is divided into two main skeletons. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord, which is a bundle of nerves that is contained within the vertebral column. The peripheral nervous system is composed of all the nerves that deliver the messages sent down the spinal cord to the appropriate destination.The nerves of the body are composed of cells called neurons (pictured left). Sensory neurons relay sensory information gathered from a certain part of the body back to the brain. Motor neurons send messages to the correct muscle or gland that needs to be stimulated. Interneurons are neurons that serve as relays between other neurons.Each neuron has three main parts: the body, axon, and a number of dendrites. The axon is the part of a neuron that transfers the appropriate message, information on potential, to another nerve, muscle, or gland. When a message from the brain is sent down the spinal cord to a peripheral nerve and finally to its destination, a quick relay process is used to deliver the message. The message is sent throught the appropriate nerves by passing the information from neuron to neuron. When the first neuron receives the message, it immediately passes the information to the next neuron in line. This is achieved through the action of neurotransmitters, chemicals which allow the message from the brain to cross the synapse between cells. This process continues down the spinal cord and through the other nerves until the message reaches its destination. In the case of a reflex action, the message provided by the sensory neurons never actually gets processed by the brain, but is actually returned by the spinal cord with a certain pre-determined response. This process happens very quickly, but slows with age and other factors. The time which information takes to be sent to the brain by sensory receptors, processed by the brain, and to have the appropriate return message processed is commonly referred to as a person's reaction time.Major Nerves of the Body:Thoracic/Abdominal Region: 8 Cervical nerves 12 Thoracic nerves5 Lumbar nerves5 Sacral nervesArms Musculocutaneous nerve Brachial plexusMedian nerveRadial nerveUlnar nervePelvic Region/Legs: Sacral plexus Femoral nerveSciatic nerveCommon peroneal nerveTibial nerve