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Q: What is process where cow stores its food and chews?
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Why is horse manure solid compared to cow manure?

Because a horse does not rechew its food. A cow ruminates, or rechews its food. A horse only chews its food once so the manure is courser.

What is an animal that chews cud?

A Cow

What is the technological term for the proccess which a cow belches up its cud and chews it?

To ruminate.

What is the name of the ball of grass a cow chews on?

A bolus. If you are referring to the time when a cow stands around and just chews away, this is "ball" called cud.

How many chews for a cow each day?

Depends on what the cow's eating and how much it's fed.

You are what a cow does when it chews the the cud?

A saying that means that you are being pretty boring.

Does the Watusi chew its cud?

Yes. The Watusi is a breed of cow, which is a ruminant, which chews cud.

What animals were te Jews permited to eat?

Any animal that had a split hoof, such as a cow has a split hoof, and chewed its cud much like a cow also chews its cud, was fit for food. As for fish, they had to have scales. Also the animals could not be scavengers.

Do oxens bite and chew?

Well yeah. All animals in the Family Bovidae Chew cud. examples of animals in this family are cows and oxen and things of the such. These animal have four-chambered stomachs. the cycle is like this. cow eats food. food goes to first chamber of stomach. cow regurgitates barf back into mouth) partly digested food. cow re-chews food. food is swallowed and sent to next chamber, ect... the grass is called cud after it is regurgitated.

What does a cow's esophagus do?

The esophagus in a cow is part of the digestive process. The esophagus connects the mouth to the stomach so food can flow through it.

How does a cow eats their food?

cows dont roam about for food for long.they pluck out the grass with their strong gums and swallow the food.then they sit and relax and it is during this time they bring back that food n slowly chew it for long hours. this is called rumination.

What does roominater mean?

It is actually spelled "ruminator" It is someone who thinks deeply about, or contemplates, something. It is also used to describe an animal, such as a cow, which "chews the cud".