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Sajdah or Bow to Allah

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Q: What is prostrate for Muslims?
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Related questions

Do muslims prostrate five times a day?

yes, Muslims pray 5 time each day (each pray near 5 min.) and during pray a Muslim prostrates some times.

What is a sentence for prostrate?

In a medical sense, "The patient was asked to get into the prostrate position."Prostrate = to lay flat

What is the Muslims man look at when they pray?

1st they have to face Qa'ba (Mecca) , as prophet Mohammed (pbuh) used to pray , looking down to the place where he will prostrate his face on the ground (sujud)

Who made the first prayer mat?

Muslims made the first prayer mat. They were used to kneel, bow, and prostrate on the ground in humility before God. They must be used in an area that is clean..

Why do Muslims stand before Allah?

They not only stand but also bow and prostrate to Allah, because he is the Almighty creator of this Universe and all living creatures, and is done as an act of devotion, worship and submission

Is Tomato or tomato juice good or bad for prostrate?

Is tomato or tomato juice good for your prostrate

What does prostrate mean?

Prostrate means to lie flat on the ground, typically with the face downwards. In botany, prostrate means growing along the ground.

What types of treatment are available for prostrate enlargement?

The most common treatment for prostrate enlargement is plastic surgery. Another is taking certain pills for prostrate enlargement which can be prescribed by ones doctor.

How do you convert volume of prostrate in cc to weight in gms?

volume of prostrate 35.6 cc = how much in gms

How do Muslims postrate?

When we Muslims prostrate ourselves before God, we are acknowledging God's absolute power and our reliance on Him for life, health, help, guidance, protection, and resurrection in heaven. We pray this way because Prophet Muhammad, God bless him and grant him peae, taught us to, and he was was taught by the Angel Gabriel, God bless him and grant him peace.

Can you give me an example of prostrate?

"It was customary for a commoner in the realm to lay prostrate before the king upon first approaching the throne."

How often do Muslims worship or pray?

Muslims are obliged to pray five times a day and they can do more if they like in order to please God and seeking His rewards. Muslims pray facing Al Qibla which is in Makkah.