

What is psuedoscience?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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It is Psuedoscience just the same as "hyper-dimensional physics" and "torsion field physics". It has never been proven to be true by any real scientists and should not be taken seriously.

How does psuedoscience differ from science?

Pseudoscience is fake science, which pretends to be the result of scientific observation, experimentation, and logical reasoning, yet it isn't. Pseudoscience is concocted for the purpose of selling fraudulent products to a gullible public.

How did irreducibly complex biological systems come about by evolution?

Irreducible complexity is a theory that statesÊadvanced organic systems are to advanced to have come into existance by evolution alone.ÊThis theory has been dismissed by the scientific community as psuedoscience.

Do the steps in the scientific method have to be in order?

Yes, to do otherwise you are entering the realm of psuedoscience. People would intentionally or unintentionally re-order their findings in order to prove their pre-conceived theories and ideas. They have already arrived at a conclusion (which is the FINAL step), and will come up with theories and experiments to reinforce that conclusion."Christian Science" is well known for doing this.

Is Indian astrology is scientific?

The short answer is no. It has several characteristics of psuedoscience; the subject doesn't progress, it relies on confirmation rather than refutation and it's claims are vague and untestable.Other ViewsWell Science resides with logic and i would say that Indian Astrology is logical.I would say Indian Astrology is a part of Science. Yes they are related and very scientific also.

What is Iridology?

It's a sort of psuedoscience field that claims to be able to understand a person's characteristics based on examining a person's irises, sort of like a palm-reader claiming to know how your love life will be just by inspecting your hands. Theres no well-controlled experimental evidence at all to support any claims that predictions can be made by examining the irises- so remember that it's something strictly for entertainment.

Why is scientology considered as a psuedoscience?

The Scientology movement has a chart, listing ALL of their spiritual steps in their "Bridge to Total Freedom". The "lower levels" are talk therapy, and trauma reduction talk therapy, that gets a person up to the "Clear" status. The "upper levels" (5 of the 8 "upper levels") consist of high volume exorcism. So, the bottom part of Scientology's practices are Hubbard's pseudo-therapy, and the upper levels (the bulk) are exorcism. Hubbard's exorcism and Hubbard's pseudo-talk therapy are why Scientology is thus a pseudo-science. Exorcism is NOT established medical practice. It is possible that there is placebo value improvement, though, in ALL of the Hubbard pseudo-therapy and Hubbard's high volume exorcism (why it's high volume, is because Hubbard believed we are infested with a HUGE number of hitchhiking dead alien souls that leak their mental implanted garbage thoughts into our minds, thus it's best to simply exorcise these hitchhiking souls OFF our bodies en masse, since we are high volume infested, we need high volume exorcism, per Hubbard). This Scientology spiritual improvement therapy/exorcism is what is pseudo-science.

Are the zodiac and astrology scientific?

Astrology is usually described as psuedoscientific. A pseudoscience is a subject that uses some "scientific" language but doesn't adhere to the scientific method and is, therefore, not scientific. You can spot pseudoscience from the following characteristics: Typically this would be such things as "Leos make good leaders" - it's very difficult to measure "good leadership" Scientific theories are refutable; there should be an experiment that could test if the theory is false. Psuedoscience tends to use confirming evidence only. Science progresses by the publication of peer reviewed papers and documents; these paper are assessed by experts in the field and, once published, other experts can try and prove them false (hence the neccessity for refutability described above). Pseudoscience usually is based on proclamation ("Aristotle said it, so it must be true") or tradition - ("this is knowledge of the ancients"). Science progresses; as experiments are performed, observations are made, papers are published and criticised knowledge increases and theories change. Astrology is particularly spectacular in its lack of progress, barely changing in thousands of years. Commonplace in pseudoscience is to attack critics, rather than trying to refute their claims. Energy is widely used in pseudoscience; many alternative medicine systems talk about "energy" within the body without any hint that the meaning of the word is understood.

How does science different from pseudosience?

Pseudoscience is usually identified by the following criteria: # Use of vague, exaggerated or untestable claims # Over-reliance on confirmation rather than refutation # Lack of openness to testing by other experts # Absence of progress # Personalization of issues # Use of misleading language If you take astrology as an example; it qualifies (in spades) under criteria 1, 2 and 4: astrological predictions are classically vague, "negative" results are often ignored, essentially astrology is the same as it was thousands of years ago.

How is Chinese astrology psuedoscience?

Contrary to its detractors concerted opinion, Astrology is not superstition. Superstition is more akin to: "If I break a mirror, I will have 7 years bad luck." or "If a bird flies into my house, someone will die." or "If I step on a sidewalk crack, I will break my mother's back." or "When It's Christmas and the weather is warm, it will be cold at Easter." Those are superstitions. Astrology is not superstition. Not even close. Astrology is a language. It exists. Like Estonian or French. It just plain exists. Like hard boiled eggs or chutney. Now, for some, languages that they do not know and are unable to read or converse in, constitute a sort of threat. When we hear friends chatting in a language that we don't know and we are present, we almost automatically imagine that they are talking about us. This is a kind of natural paranoia. We cannot understand. So we feel threatened or left out and perhaps even targeted as a victim. Astrology, like any language, does have to be learned in order to be used. That's why some people are astrologers and other have other learnèd professions such as doctors. An astrologer might tell you that your Sun in Leo means that you tend to want to be in the spotlight, but if your rising sign is Pisces, that Leo need for the spotlight might be mitigated. This sort of "diagnosis" is not unsimilar to when a Dr tells you that the lump on your arm looks like a cyst, but if the tests come out positive, it might be something more serious. He looks at the cystic physical evidence, but he also digs further to find out if it might be something more dangerous. Now the language of Astrology has been much squelched and derided by a sector of the population we refer to as "scientists" or , in any case, people who believe that science (another language) is the pathway to understanding every human ill - including mental, emotional and physical ailments - and to conquering and refining and owning whatever commodity it available to man. (Space flight for example or improved hard boiled eggs) But squelching a language doesn't always put it out of existence. And Astrology has survived the giant squelch of science and remains a means of communication between peoples and a method of both diagnosing and better understanding the human condition. Astrology is not in competition with science. It's just there alongside it the way that TV is there alongside the Internet. The two media must co-exist. They cannot afford to be at war. The Internet will win. It's bigger. And younger. TV knows that the way that Astrology knows that it must coexist with science because if there was a war between them Science would win. It's bigger. And younger. Nonetheless, there is wisdom in what it ancient. So Astrology continues to exist. Some people study it and are able to use it in their work and daily lives. Other people don't study it sufficiently to become astrologers. But they dabble and they enjoy dabbling. Other people (most people) consult astrologers. They are the clients or the patients or the consultees who come to people like me for advice and information about their astrological charts: Who am I? What should I do about my mother-in-law's interfering in my marriage? How can I get a divorce and keep my children? Why do I not have self-confidence? Where am I making my mistakes and why do I keep making them over and over again? What some skeptical people (the Science-blinded or prejudiced) don't know is that the answers to all of those questions are sitting right there in peoples' astrological charts. Moreover, just because most people don't know how to read their charts and don't speak the language or know how to interpret the letters (symbols), doesn't mean the answers are not there. They are. Astrology never lies. I have watched it tell me and my clients the truth over and over and over again, thousands of times. A client writes and asks me why she cannot seem to get a husband. She's young and beautiful and accomplished and owns her own home. Yet, she has nobody to share it with. What should she do? I find out her birth date, time and place (sometimes she sends me a photo as well) and I do her chart. First thing I note is that she is more accomplished than she let on in her query letter. I know already that she is president of her own company. But she is also an Aries with Leo rising and she was born in a Rooster year. This woman is what my mother used to call "a tough cookie" and a multitalented cookie at that! She doesn't bend easily. She is not soulful and won't listen to whining - even her own. She wants to be in the spotlight (Leo rising) and she is indeed in her own spotlight all the time. She's also a Rooster which is one of the most successfully non-flexible signs out there. Rigidity lurks in this woman's chart and has already done some damage to her private life. But... I look further and...Eureka! This young woman has the Moon in Cancer. She is longing for a home and children and a man to share it with. But, because the Aries and the Rooster and the Leo got a hold on her soul (Moon) when she was still very young, she followed them to her own multimillion dollar successful oblivion. She learned how NOT to share and she made her fortune by being ruthless and firm in her opinions. (Aries/Rooster w Leo rising) It gets better. I dig a bit deeper and what do I find? This woman has Venus in Taurus! NB: I know. I know. You just don't get it when we tell you that there's a planet in some sign or other about which you know less than zero. Why? Because we are speaking to you in a language which is foreign to you. And this time it is about YOU. But we are not trying to hide anything. You can learn the language too. Nobody is stopping you. So our young woman has Venus in Taurus. This means (for some astrologers and we are not all alike. Just like doctors... Get a second opinion) that she equates love with sensuality and earthiness and posssesion. So, she is hunting for sensuality, earthiness and ownership and she is only finding pin stripe suits and striped ties and executive trappings. Why? Because here she is, the president of a thriving software company, owner of her own 3000 sq ft. house and two luxury cars, 35 years old and beautiful and she cannot find a husband - someone to love and be loved by and make a family and a life with. So? She's too strong by half. And she is moreover "attracted" to the wrong kind of suitor. She has always thought she needed "someone like me." A major player. A boss person. A leader of men (and women). Balderdash! Two bosses in the same household? Ouch. She needs either a steadying, long-suffering Ox or a lovely, languorous Snake or even a tempestuous Tiger - born in Gemini or Leo or perhaps Sagittarius because she has Mercury (her communication planet) in Sagittarius. And those guys she should be looking for are not necessarily world beaters. They might be teachers or poets or musicians or even weedy scientists who leave their brains in the laboratories when they come home at night. They should not be head honchos. She is the head honcho. She needs soul. So she should find someone with extra soul to share. Need I say more? Astrology simply never lies! ©SuzanneWhite/Suzannewhite.com2006 P.S. Following her personal astro consultation, our heroine started looking for Mr. Right in all the "right" places. She is now successfully married to a brilliant Gemini/Ox (a laid back communicator type) who writes books for a living. He loves to cook and help with the kids. They have a nanny and some household help. Madame goes to her job every morning after taking the children to school. Papa pipes and slippers into his office and hits the computer for a few hours before dressing and driving to the supermarket to do the family shopping. You see? Astrology works! sw Source:

Are intelligent design and evolution scientific theories?

AnswerIntelligent design is not a scientific theory and evolution is. Explanations for questions about our world and everything in it are formed by using the scientific method. First, a scientist would come up with an explanation to an observed reoccurring pattern in nature, this is called a hypothesis. The hypothesis is tested by gathering more data and seeing if the data is supports or falsifies the explanation. If enough data is gathered, the hypothesis can be considered true and it becomes a theory. But even a theory is still subject to being falsified if enough data is found to prove it wrong (falsify). The theory of evolution is supported by data which was collected through observation of patterns and other events in nature. Some people don't like the idea that evolution is talked about in schools, because it contradicts many religious ideas (example: humans are not animals or related to them, the structure of organisms cannot change/evolve to be different and better because they were made perfect in the first place, etc.). So intelligent design was formed; and by calling it 'scientific,' some people thought they could put it in schools without violating the law that religion is not to be taught in schools. Intelligent design is not a theory because it has no data supporting it and there is no data to falsify it. So intelligent design is not a scientific idea, it is more like wishful thinking. AnswerEvolution is a theory that, in very general terms, states that today's species evolved by a process of replication and mutation with natural selection over a long time period from simpler life forms. This is accepted by mainstream scientists as the most likely explanation for our current species. Originally proposed by Charles Darwin, the theory of Evolution has been significantly refined by more modern discoveries in science, in particular the field of genetics and cellular biology, so the current theory of evolution is often referred to as the 'Modern Evolutionary Synthesis' reflecting the way it has incorporated these new discoveries. Intelligent Design (ID) asserts that the universe and life forms we see today are best explained by design of an intelligent cause; Some ID proponents do not rule out adaptations of species, but they do not believe the addition of new complex information could have happened naturally. In other words, they believe natural variation within species is possible, but not new species. Both are trying to explain how the world works. Both claim to search for truth. Proponents of each believe they have proposed a theory.Within science a theory is generally defined as a systematic framework that explains observations and experimental results, and which can be used to make testable predictions which in turn can either be used to refine or falsify the theory. Generally speaking scientists will attempt to test new theories by designing experiments that, if successful, will falsify the theory. All scientific theories and results are considered tentative and subject to revision or refutation as more evidence is gathered.Scientific explanations for questions about our world and everything in it are formed by using the scientific method. First, a scientist would come up with an explanation to an observed reoccurring pattern in nature, this is called a hypothesis. The hypothesis is tested by gathering more data by observation and experimentation to see if the data supports or falsifies the explanation. If enough data is gathered, the hypothesis can be considered to have been validated and it becomes a theory. But even a theory is still subject to being falsified if enough data is found to prove it wrong. Scientists must publish the results of their experiments, and explain their hypotheses and theories in scientific journals so that other scientists are able to understand their work. It is also important for experiments and theories to be explained in a way that allows other scientists to reproduce the experiments or devise new ones that can either support or falsify the theory. When scientists try to publish their experiments the work must first be peer-reviewed. This is a process where the work they want to be published is reviewed by a selection of other experts in the field (peers) before it is accepted for publication.The theory of evolution is supported by data which was collected through observation of a wide variety of natural systems and through laboratory experimentation. Most palaeontologists consider the fossil record to provide evidence completely consistent with the theory of evolution and geneticists also consider evidence from the study of genes to also be consistent with evolution. These two separate strands of evidence are also consistent with each other and have been used to successfully make predictions.Scientists would further argue that Intelligent Design is not a theory because it has no data supporting it and there is no possible way to falsify it. Intelligent Design supporters argue that the evidence to support them is in the inability of current scientific theories to explain how certain features in biological systems came about naturally and that it is impossible for these features to occur naturally so they must therefore be the result of Intelligent Design. Many scientists consider this argument to be invalid and little more than an attempt to insert God, or an Intelligent Designer, into any current gaps in scientific understanding. This is often referred to as the 'God of the gaps' argument. Although the progress of scientific research can constantly fill these gaps in our knowledge this aspect of the Intelligent Design hypothesis could never be falsified because it can always be reapplied where there are still gaps in our understanding.Some Intelligent design proponents argue that Evolutionary theory is a psuedoscience which lacks any significant empirical evidence to support it whilst others have chosen to argue that Intelligent Design should be taught as a valid alternative to Evolution within science education. Opponents of Intelligent Design argue that it is unsupported by evidence whereas, in their view, the evidence to support Evolution is overwhelming.The majority of the scientific community have so far rejected Intelligent design as unscientific, amounting to little more than an untested (and some would argue un-testable) hypothesis that has produced no experimental evidence. It should be noted that accepted theories in science can and are overturned when experimental results are published that successfully falsify the prevailing theory.Evolutionary theory is often criticised for failing to explain the origins of biological life, and that it is a theory that excludes the possibility of a supernatural god, and as such is atheistic in nature. In reality Evolution is explicitly not a theory concerning the origin of life, or the origin of the universe. It assumes the existence of life and is concerned with explaining how these living systems change through successive generations, developing new traits and ultimately creating new species, or as Charles Darwin put it 'the Origin of Species'.The theory of Evolution within modern science does not explicitly exclude the possibility of an intelligent designer, either as the designer of the first living matter, or of the universe as a whole. Because science is a discipline that attempts to explain observed facts in terms of measurable physical reality it does not allow supernatural entities as part of its explanations or theories because they are incompatible with the scientific method, even if they actually exist. Many scientists have supernatural or religious beliefs but they do not rely on them when using scientific methods to understand the world. Some evolutionary scientists believe in a form of supernatural origin or intelligent design to the universe and that the mechanism of evolution was designed to do precisely what scientists observe it to do.Each of these proposed theories starts with presuppositions. Evolutionary Theory and other scientific theories begin by assuming that everything we can observe and measure can be explained in terms of natural processes. ID assumes that supernatural design is possible and that its effects can be observed. ID scientists do not challenge the idea of change over time in organisms -just that the addition of certain complex biological information proposed by evolution is impossible without the intervention of an intelligent designer.AnswerEvolution is a scientific theory. Intelligent design is not. Evolution, at least as it is presented in modern evolutionary synthesis, is fact, and is presented as such. Intelligent design is a religiously spawned doctrine that has social and political aims or goals as its objectives. Supporters of intelligent design present the oddest assortment of ideas as regards scientific support for accepting intelligent design as something scientific. The major scientific organizations around the globe uniformly and categorically reject it as unscientific.