

What is public private protected variable function?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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The public, protected and private keywords only apply to object oriented programming languages. They are used to determine the accessibility of specific class members and their bases. Private members are only accessible to the class and to friends of the class. Protected members are the same as private but are also accessible to derivatives of the class. Public members are accessible to all code. When applied to base classes, the public, protected and private keywords can be used to either maintain or reduce the accessibility of the base class members (but never to increase their accessibility). When declared public, the accessibility of the base class members remains as defined by the base class. When declared protected, the public members become protected members. And when declared private, all members of the base class become private members. As well as defining the overall accessibility of the base class members, the accessibility of individual base class members can also be specified.

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