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-Public to all

- Static to access with Class Name

- Final to change( constant and not alowed to change)

Just use it along with class name.

(As implied above, a 'public static final' variable in Java is what other languages would call a Constant. )

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Q: What is public static final variable in java?
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If you are talking about a class in Java, a variable encapsulated by a class is called an instance variable b/c everytime you create an object with that class, each object has its own set of the variables declared.

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It is, provided that the variable is also static or you're referencing the variable through an instance of you class. class MyClass { static int staticVariable; int memberVariable; public static void main(String[] args) { // This is legal. staticVariable = 10; // This is not legal. memberVariable = 10; // This is legal. MyClass mc = new MyClass(); mc.memberVariable = 10; } }

In java public static voidmain function denotes what?

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