

What is purple toe syndrome?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What is purple toe syndrome?
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What does it mean if second toe is shorter than big toe?

That is perfectly normal. There is a widespread mutation causing the second toe to extend farther than the big toe, but in the original structure of the human foot, the big toe extends the farthest, and this also gives the best stability to the foot.

Do warfarin turn nails blue?

I have been on warfarin since July 2010. In the last few months I have noticed my thumb nail beds turn a blue or purple color. It doesn't matter if my hands are cold or warm. It doesn't matter if I am sitting or moving. Sometimes other fingers are affected but primarily it is my thumbs on both hands. I showed this to my doctor and he said yes that can happen with warfarin. When I research it though I find something called purple toe syndrome. It can affect the feet and hands. It is considered a serious side effect of coumadin/warfarin and it says to notify your doctor immediately. My doctor didn't seem to think my blue thumbs are purple toe syndrome though.

What health problems did Dmitri Mendeleev have?

he had camel toe which gave him irritable bowel syndrome he died of a lickin poisin on the windows

What causes dark purple fingers?

maybe Raynauds Syndrome

How do you take care of a bruised toe that is not really swollen but has turned a dark reddish purple color and is very sore?

Tape it

What style toe ring should you buy if you are lesbian or bisexual?

Honestly you should base your toe ring on your prefrences rather than your sexual prefrence. Though a rainbow and the color purple would be good choices.

What colour is your toe when it is fractured?

Not always, your toe is purple because you have broken blood vessels in your toe and the blood has leaked out into your tissue. Your body will absorb this spilled blood in time and you can watch your toe turn all kinds of colors during this process. To see if you have indeed broken a bone and not sprained it, you need to have an x-ray.

How did Frank Burns of mash get his purple heart?

By lying. He got his purple heart by claiming he escaped from getting shot by a North Korean, when in fact he stubbed his toe one something...can't remember what though

What conditions or diseases can contribute to the formation of bunions?

Various arthritic conditions and several genetic and neuromuscular diseases, such as Down syndrome and Marfan syndrome, cause muscle imbalances that can create bunions from displacement of the first metatarsal and big toe.