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a. Public funds may be used only for the purpose or purposes for which they were appropriated

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Q: What is purpose statute?
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What section of a statute usually comes last?

The purpose clause

For what purpose is a statute written?

A statute is written to set propostions of law into place. A statute may direct a certain act, make a declaration or forbid some kinds of acts. Statutes are passed by Legislation.

Does Massachusetts have a statute of limitation on speeding tickets?

Massachusetts has no statute of limitations for speeding tickets. The purpose of a statute of limitations is to make sure your are notified of your violation or crime in a timely manner. You were duly informed and charged with the violation by the ticket.

What is the statute of limitation on traffic tickets in Mich?

Michigan has no statute of limitations for parking tickets. The purpose of a statute of limitations is to make sure your are notified of your violation or crime in a timely manner. You were duly informed and charged with the violation by the ticket.

What is purposivism?

It is an approach to statutory and constitutional interpretation under which common law courts interpret an enactment (that is, a statute, a part of a statute, or a clause of a constitution) in light of the purpose for which it was enacted.

Is there a statute of limitations on storage of firearms for someone?

The purpose of a statute of limitations is to limit the time frame in which one can bring a law suit. As such, there is no such thing as a statute of limitations related to storing things for people. You need to find out what the abandonment laws are.

Is there statute of limition in Louisiana for speeding tickets?

The purpose of the statute of limitations is so that someone is not surprised with being accused of a crime many years after the fact. You've already been notified that you have been accused of a crime. There is no statute of limitations.

What is purposivism psychology?

It is an approach to statutory and constitutional interpretation under which common law courts interpret an enactment (that is, a statute, a part of a statute, or a clause of a constitution) in light of the purpose for which it was enacted.

What is the purpose of a long-arm statute?

pemits a state to obtain personal jurisdicition over a nonresident defendent

Does Minnesota have a statute of limitation on speeding tickets?

Minnesota tickets do not expire. The purpose of a statute of limitations does not apply to traffic violations. Some jurisdictions may provide an amnesty for payment, but those are rare in these hard times.

What is the statute of limitations on a speeding ticket in pennnsylvania?

Pennsylvania tickets do not expire. The purpose of a statute of limitations does not apply to traffic violations. Some jurisdictions may provide an amnesty for payment, but those are rare in these hard times.

Can a tire company file suit against you if the statute of limitation has expired in Mississippi?

The purpose of a statute of limitations is to prevent them from filing a suit. However, the limits are subject to various tolling clauses, so check with an attorney.