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Racial Anti-Semitism was developed during the period of Queen Isabella of Spain, specifically during the Inquisition. The common Anti-Semitic canard here is that Jews are somehow genetically inferior or lesser than other humans. Hitler argued that they were deficient emotionally as well as mentally. In the European context, this racism was directed at Jews, arguing that as Semites (Middle Eastern people) they were not as well-developed as Whites. In the case of Racial Anti-Semitism, by dint of being a Jew, a person is inferior and there is nothing that this person can do to become an acceptable citizen. The only change Hitler made to this paradigm was to add Social Darwinism to this and argue that the inferiority was genetic as opposed to "blood-borne".

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Q: What is racial anti-Semitism?
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What is the difference between religious antisemitism and political antisemitism?

The usual disintinction is between (traditional) religious antisemitism and racial antisemitism. The latter arose after religious toleration was accepted in most European countries and religious antisemitism lost much of its force. Racial antisemitism arose from about 1870 onwards and operates with conspiracy theories.

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Religious antisemitism: Jews are bad because of their beliefs. They killed Jesus, they refused salvation. Cultural antisemitism: Jews are bad because of what they do. They control the banks. They conspire against civilization. Racial antisemitism: Jews are bad because of who they are. They have evil genes. They are not really human.

How has antisemitism changed?

Christian antisemitism, the dominant form from the time of the crusades to the 19th century, discriminated against Jews because they were responsible for killing God and had rejected the Gospels. By the late 19th century, a new conspiracy-centered and secular antisemitism arose, holding that Jews were secretly attempting to control the world and all the world's wealth. With the rise in racial thinking in the late 18th century, Jews were considered to be a separate racial category, but in the late 19th century, a second secular antisemitism arose that focused on Jews as being racially inferior while masquerading as whites and threatening to poison the purity of the white race.

What is the earliest record of antisemitism in the Bible?

A:We ca not consider the various wars and conquests of the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans as antisemitic, as they were not based on racial issues. The earliest genuine biblical record of antisemitism is Mark's Gospel, whcih is somewhat mildly antisemitic. Each of the succeeding gospels, Matthew, Luke and John, as well as Acts of the Apostles, became increasingly strident in their antisemitism.

What did Hitler and the hatred for Jews have to do with Christ?

There was no link worth taking seriously. Obviously, racial antisemitism has its origins in 'Christian' anti-Judaism, but the Nazis did not claim that they were exterminating the Jews on behalf of Christianity or anything like that.

What is the word for having a prejudice against Jewish people?

The word is anti-Semitism, or better antisemitism(as there is no such thing as 'semitism' that Jew baiters are 'anti').

Who wrote Racism Antisemitism and Psychoanalysis?

The book "Racism, Antisemitism, and Psychoanalysis" was written by Earl Hopper. It explores the intersection of these topics and how psychoanalytic theory can shed light on racist and antisemitic attitudes and behaviors.

What is the term for the hatred of the Jews?


Who was the one to start picking on the Jewish people?

Antisemitism goes back a long way in Europe and it is not possible to pick out one individual who started it. Obviously, until the 1800s the emphasis was religious, but from the 1870s on it became racial.

When was The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism created?

The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism was created in 2008.

What is a sentence for antisemitism?

Antisemitism is the discrimination and prejudice against Jewish people based on their ethnicity or religion.

When was Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism created?

Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism was created in 1983.