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Q: What is rain water may aproveate turning into gas?
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How are evaporation and condensation are difference?

They are different because evaporation is a solid turning into a gas , and condensation is gas turning into a solid.

Is water vapor turning to rain an example of a chemical change or physical change?

Physical change, because the water is only changing state, from a gas to a liquid.

How is this true the sun causes rainy weather?

The Sun is instrumental in producing rain, as it is the energy source that evaporates water, turning it into a gas which then forms clouds and falls as rain. Without the Sun the water would never get into the sky, and so couldn't fall as rain.

Describe two types of vaporization?

water turning into water vapor...... liquid nitrogyn turning into nitrogyn gas................bacially a liquid evaporating into a gas.

Is rain gas liquid or solid?

Rain is a liquid because it is water.

What role does condensation play in the watercycle?

Condensation is water turning from water vapor (gas) into its liquid form. This happens in rain clouds. Clouds are water vapor and when there is too much vapor or it is cool enough the vapor will condense and it will begin to rain. You can also see condensation in the early morning. This is the dew on the grass or on your car. hey this is maria condensation is a cycle, condensation is water turning into from water vapor into its liguid form

Is rain a solid or a gas or a liquid?

Rain is a liquid because it is water.

Examples of liquids turning into a gas?

Evaporation is the process of turning liquid into a gas. Examples of these are the evaporation of water when it is boiled and the evaporation of alcohol at room temperature.

What are the steps of turning steam to gas?

Steam is a gas. It is water vapor - so water in the gaseous state.

What point is it when gas changes into a liquid?

What point is it when gas changes into a liquid such as water vapor turning into water

What is the process of water vapor turning back into water?

Water vapor turning into water is a gas changing into a liquid. This process is known as condensation.

What two processes make up water cycle?

Evaporation (turning from liquid into gas) Condensation (turning from gas back into liquid)