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Q: What is rapid division of a cell that invades and disrupts other cells?
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Related questions

Where are cells formed?

Cells are formed through the division of other cells.

How is cytoplasmic division of animal cells accomplished?

Cytoplasmic division of animal cells is accomplished by the cytoplasm cells have a reaction with the nucleas. This irritates the other cells and the change then occurs with the division.

What did Virchow observe about cell division?

cells come from other cells

Do Cells arise from other cells through the process of cell division?

yes according to cell theory all cells arise by division in previously existing cells.

What did Robert Virchow observe about cell division?

cells come from other cells

How are sex cells different from other cells?

They have haploid number of chromosomes. They undergo meiosis cell division during their is the type of cell division in which the chromosome number of the parent is reduced cells to half in the daughter cells.

What type of cell division does your body cells undergo And why can your body cells ONLY use this type of cell division?

Body cells undergo mitotic cell division so that each daughter cell is genetically identical to each parent cell and to all other body cells.

How are sex cells are different from other body cells?

They have haploid number of chromosomes. They undergo meiosis cell division during their is the type of cell division in which the chromosome number of the parent is reduced cells to half in the daughter cells.

What do cell make other cells through?

New cells are created by existing cells through the process known as cell division.

What kind of cells does the process mitosis and meiosis make?

Meiosis cell division is where the egg and sperm cells are created. Mitosis cell division is where two identical daughter cells are formed.

Growth of the zygote and other stages of an animal's life happens by mitotic cell division?

zygote always undergoes mitotic division and all other vegitative cells undergo mitosis meiosis takes place in sex cells

How do cells respond to contact with other cells?

The cells do not carry out cell division when they come in contact with each other. This causes uncontrolled cell growth, which can lead to severe conditions such as cancer.