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Q: What is real is fake is on the moon and is in your face?
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Is the number 4 real fake on the moon and in his face?

what a pointless question, the number four is real, it is fake, it is on the moon, and it is not in his face, it is in yours.

Was it real or fake going to the moon?

The Apollo moon landing in 1969 was real.

Walk on the moon real or fake?

They were all quite real.

What does nasa say about the fake moon landings?

That's impossible to answer because there were no fake moon landings. All the moon landings were real.

Is the moon fake?

No, the moon is very real. The footsteps of Neil Armstrong, the first man to step foot on the moon, are on the moon.

Is the face on Mars real or fake?

The "face on Mars" is fake because it's just a large, rocky hill in the middle of the Martian desert.

Why did the US fake the moon landing?

The moon landing was real. That it was otherwise has been an urban legend for years.

Was the blast craters on the moon fake when they did moon landing?

The moon landings were real, so the craters left by the descent engines were real. I'm not really sure how else to answer this question.

Were the landing pictures from Apollo 11 fake?

No, the moon landing photos were real.

Was the movie Apollo 11 scene real orm fake?

All the photographs taken of Apollo 11 on the moon are very much real, thwere is nothing fake in it at all.

Where to buy a fake north face that looks like the real thing?

try googling it

Was the moonlanding real or fake?

yes because you couldn't have got a live feed from the moon back in those days we didnt have sattillites