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The question isn't quite right. Wherever you go on earth, there is mass. Weight changes, however. I think it helps to know the fundamentals to understand this. Mass causes gravity, and gravity causes weight. If you were at the center of the earth, the gravity from the mass would pull you equally in all directions, and you would be weightless. Weight is the measurable effect of mass.

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Q: What is reason mass and weight are the same everywhere on earth?
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What is the reason mass and weight is the same everywhere on earth?

The question isn't quite right. Wherever you go on earth, there is mass. Weight changes, however. I think it helps to know the fundamentals to understand this. Mass causes gravity, and gravity causes weight. If you were at the center of the earth, the gravity from the mass would pull you equally in all directions, and you would be weightless. Weight is the measurable effect of mass.

Is iron mass on the moon same as earth?

Mass is a constant everywhere in the universe. The weight on the moon is about one sixth of the weight on the earth, because the mass of the moon is about one sixth of the mass of the earth reducing the force of gravity.

Can a mass be zero outside the earth?

Universality is a fundamental principle in physics - the same laws of physics apply everywhere at all times. So if the mass of something on earth is zero (such as the rest mass of a photon), then the mass will be zero everywhere in the universe, disregarding the effects of relativistic mass. Do not confuse mass with weight - mass is invariable - it is the same everywhere. Weight, however, diminishes in proportion to the square of the distance you travel away from the center of planet earth.

If an object has a mass of 12.5 grams What is the mass on the moon?

The same as on earth because mass remains constant everywhere if you are thinking about the "weight" then it will be changed .

Free fall explains why astronauts have no mass while orbiting Earth?

Not quite. It explains why they have no weight. But their mass doesn't change.It's the same on earth, on the moon, and everywhere in between.

If an object has a mass of 120 g on earth then on the moon it would have a mass of what?

The object would have the same mass as mass remains constant everywhere. On the other hand if it was weight it would change as weight = mass multiplied with gravitational force.

Why is the mass of an object the same on the moon as it is on earth but the weight is different?

The reason is because the mass is like the volume and the weight is like how heavy an object is.

Why is the mass of an object the same on the moon as it is on the earth but the objects weight is different.?

The reason is because the mass is like the volume and the weight is like how heavy an object is.

Why is the mass of an object the same on the moon as it is on earth but the object weight is different?

The reason is because the mass is like the volume and the weight is like how heavy an object is.

Why would your weight be greater on the moon then the earth?

The main reason is the fact that your weight is proportional to the product of your mass multiplied by the mass of whatever large body you're standing on, and the earth's mass is roughly 80 times as much as the moon's mass..

If an object has a mass on earth is 60 units what will be the mass of the same object on the moon?

Exactly the same. Mass is the same everywhere. The weight will be 1/6 less on the moon though.

Does the shape of an object determine mass?

No. Mass is the weight of an object on earth. Scientists use mass instead of weight so the measurements will be the same everywhere. For example A big ballon has a relatively lower mass than a small sized stone