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Q: What is refers to your feelings and moods?
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What is the collection of feelings values moods and impressions associated with a word?

The collection of feelings values moods and impressions associated with a word is that words connotation.

Are moods different from feelings?

Yes! Feelings are something you feel for a long period of time. Moods Go Away After a few hours or days.

What is alternating moods of exalted feelings and excitement with moods of extreme sadness and decreased activity means?

Bipolar disorder

Do drugs that affect the nervous system change moods and feelings?

yes it can.

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What ideas moods or feelings can a sculpture express or describe which a painting cannot?


Affections in baroque usage refers to?

emotional states or moods of music.

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What aesthetic theory judges art on how well it expresses feelings moods and ideas?


Why is Facebook called Facebook?

Face - People and their moods and feelings. Book - for the members Basically its for sharing your feelings with other and keeping in contact with them.! :D

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What step and art criticism refers to how moods and ideas are expressed in the artwork?
