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I don't think there is a relationship between hypoglycemia and hypertension?

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Q: What is relation between hypoglycemia and hypertension?
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Does hypoglycemia have a hyphen between the o and g?

No, not usually.

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Essential hypertension is much the same as primary hypertension while secondary hypertension is high blood pressure caused by another underlying disease.

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these are misnomers actually,when there is no evident cause of hypertension then it is called idiopathic/benign/primary/unspecified hypertension.

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Pre-hypertension is when your blood pressure is between 120/80 mmHg and 139/89 mmHg. You do not have high blood pressure but are considered at risk for hypertension.

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Primary hypertension is hypertension or high blood pressure diagnosed without any other underlying disease that might have caused it. Secondary hypertension is due to another underlying disease causing the high blood pressure.

How do you differentiates between hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia?

In simple terms, hypoglycemia is the condition caused by a low level of blood glucose, whereas hyperglycemia is the condition caused by a high level of blood glucose.

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