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The number one requirement for someone to be able to sell life insurance is an "Insurance License". The requirements for obtaining a license varies from state-to-state but passing an exam is always a requirement.

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Q: What is required for someone to sell life insurance?
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Related questions

How can I find information about obtaining a life insurance license?

This varies from state to state.Most states do require you to have a license to sell life insurance.Check with your state life insurance company for more information on what is required to sell life insurance in your state of residence.

Why is a life insurance license important?

The only reason someone needs a life insurance license or certification is to be able to sell this type of insurance.

What license is needed to sell life insurance in Texas?

If you wish to sell life insurance in the state of Texas, you'll be required to get a Texas Life and Health Insurance License. To obtain the license, you will need to pass first the insurance license exam for Life and Health in the state you want to sell life insurance. There are online self-study courses created especially for Texas insurance exams. You can check the link below for more information.

What is the requirement to sell insurance in Mississippi?

An Insurance License is required to sell insurance in any U.S. State.

Do you need an insurance license to sell insurance at an insurance company?

You are required to get a liscense to sell insurance. Each state licenses it's residents who want to sell insurance.

Where can someone find information about Jackson National life insurance?

Jackson National life Insurance Company has a website full of relevant information to the life insurance they sell. The website's domain is simply Jackson.

What is the difference between a life insurance producer and life insurance advisor in MA?

Life insurance producer can solicit and sell insurance. A life insurance advisor, cannot. An advisor can only give advice but not sell insurance.

Can an advocate sell insurance policy?

Yes They can Sell the insurance Policies both of the Life and Non-Life.

Can you get a temp license to sell life insurance in Texas?

Can you get a temp. license to sell life insurance in texas

What insurance license in Arizona is needed to sell annuities?

To the best of my knowledge, as in most states, a life license is required to sell annuities in Arizona. Good luck.

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What training do you need to be in life insurance sales?

"You need to know how to talk to people to sell life insurance. You probably need a background in sales, and communications. It's hard to sell someone something they won't ever get to use while they are alive."