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Alberto Hoeger

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Q: What is responsible for more cancers than any other carcinogen?
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Is her2 positive cancer aggresive?

Her2 is more aggressive than other breast cancers because hormone treatment is less effective than if you used the treatment on other types of breast cancers.

Is botulinum a mutagen or teratogen or carcinogen or is it more than one of those?

It is a toxin.

Why are cancers that metastasize more dangerous than cancers that do not?

because they are malignant and they spread fast

Where do most uterine cancers arise?

More than 95% of uterine cancers arise in the endometrium

What are so attractive about cancers?

it is usually other cancers attracted to them, same with any other sign. i guess if you are a cancer and you find another person of the opposite sex that is a cancer you might want to get to know them; considering the fact that you already have one thing in common. why not find more?

What is polonum?

Polonium is a radioactive metallic element. One industrial use is in antistatic brushes or devices. It has more isotopes than any other element, of which all are radioactive. It is a known carcinogen in tobacco smoke.

What cancers do lion head rabbits get?

Rabbits are not very susceptible to cancer. Lion Heads are no more likely to get cancer than any other rabbit.

What does the CDC identify as the number one killer of females of all races?

The CDC identifies heart disease as the number one killer of females of all races. It is responsible for more deaths compared to any other cause, including cancers.

What cancers can you get from smoking?

1. lung cancer 2. heart cancer 3.throat cancer 4. eye cancer 5.mouth cancer

What cancers do tobacco cause?

Lots of cancers Here are some of them: Lung Cancer Throat cancer Brain Cancer Mouth Cancer And lots more

What have US schools spent more than 40 billion dollars to remove?

Asbestos, a carcinogen formerly used as insulation.

What are the characteristics of small cell lung cancer?

when viewed under a microscope, the cancer cells resemble oats. This type of lung cancer grows quickly and is more likely to spread to other organs in the body.