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Mountains are uplifted as tectonic plates smash into each other or magma rises up from under volcanoes.

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Q: What is responsible for the continued uplift of many major mountain ranges?
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Related questions

What does mountain uplift mean?

Uplift is the process in which structural highs are created (e.g. mountains). Tectonism is largely responsible for uplift.

Which of the mountain-building processes is most responsible for the features of the Rocky Mountains?


The occurrence of marine fossils in rock strata located high in terrestrial mountain ranges can be attributed to?

uplift associated with plate tectonics

What thing is formed by uplift?

Fold Mountain.

What are the causes of uplift in the atmosphere?

Convection (rising air), orographic uplift/forced convection (air up a mountain), frontal uplift (front), and convergence uplift (air masses converge)

What is the uplift stage in mountain forming?

The uplift stage in mountain forming is the the collision of two continents at a convergent plate boundary.

What is the rising of earths crust to higher elevations called?

Mountain building

How does uplift change the earth's surface?

Mountain building

What is the major mountains ranges of Canada?

A mountain range is a linear arrangement of mountain peaks and ridges surrounded by adjacent lower land or clearly separated from adjacent ranges by intervening valleys. The mountains of a range are commonly related to a single geological structure or rock formation. A group of related peaks with a circular rather than linear arrangement is called a massif. An array of mountain ranges, massifs and other topographic elements of related origin comprise a mountain system, and several systems a CORDILLERA. The Cordillera of western North America extends from Mexico to Alaska and includes about 20 mountain systems each composed of many mountain ranges. The Earth's major mountain systems lie along the margins of crustal plates where concentrated tectonic forces have caused uplift, deformation and igneous activity (see GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES; PLATE TECTONICS). Individual mountain ranges may be formed by volcanic eruptions or, more commonly, by differential EROSION of an uplifted terrane. When rapid uplift is accompanied by slow erosion, a plateau results. If erosion keeps pace with uplift, streams and GLACIERS erode away less competent rock, leaving more resistant rock standing as mountain ranges between the valleys.The long, narrow ranges of the ROCKY MOUNTAIN system of western Canada reflect the structure of resistant beds of folded and faulted sedimentary strata; the broader ranges and massifs of the Coast Range of BC were etched by water and glacier ice from an uplifted, granitic terrane of more uniform resistance to erosion. The relief and ruggedness of a mountain range depend on its age. The precipitous, very young ranges of the St Elias Mountains in the southwestern Yukon, where rapid uplift is still proceeding, include the highest individual peaks in Canada.Uplift of the somewhat less rugged Rocky Mountains began to decline after an episode of deformation about 70 million years ago. The subdued topography of the ancient Appalachian Mountains is the result of erosion during the 150 million years since the last major uplift and deformation in eastern Canada. Submarine mountain ranges, which rise from the ocean floor along mid-ocean ridges, such as the mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise, are of volcanic origin. On the moon and on planets that have little atmosphere, such as Mercury and Mars, circular or crescent-shaped mountain ranges around impact craters have survived for hundreds of millions of years without being destroyed by erosion.

How uplift can occur at all types of plate boundaries?

the correct answer is: For example, as rocks on one side of a transform plate boundary grind and push against the rocks on the other plate, mountain, such as the transverse ranges, can form.

What is the best evidence of crustal uplift?

Marine fossils found at a mountain top

What is a word for building up through mountains volcanoes and uplift?

Orogeny is the process of mountain creation, or a period of mountain creation.