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Q: What is restricted diffusion in an MRI?
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Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging

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What is apparent diffusion coefficient?

The definition of apparent diffusion coefficient is a measure of the extent of diffusion of the water molecules that are in tissue. It is a term used in reference to an MRI.

Do you say an MRI or a MRI?

an MRI

Do you say a MRI or an MRI?

an MRI

What does your body undergo when you are in the MRI machine?

An image can be constructed because the protons in different tissues return to their equilibrium state at different rates. By changing the parameters on the scanner this effect is used to create contrast between different types of body tissue or between other properties, as in fMRI and diffusion MRI.

What is diffusion gradient?

a gradual change in the concentration of solutes in a solution as a function of distance through a solution. 2. the gradual difference in the concentration of solutes in a solution between two regions. In biology, a gradient results from an unequal distribution of ions across the cell membrane. When this happens, solutes move along a concentration gradient. This kind of movement is called diffusion.

Will my head be out of the MRI for an MRI of my tibia?

If the MRI technologist positions you with your leg going into the magnet (the MRI machine) then your head would be out of it. Call the facility where you are scheduled to have the MRI and ask to speak with the MRI technologist and they can fully explain to you exactly how you will be positioned.

What are the types of cultural diffusion?

contagious diffusion, relocation diffusion, expansion diffusion, stimulus diffusion, hierarchical diffusion.

Where can you find an mri tech job?

You can find an mri tech job at,,

Is a MRI a treatment?

No. It is not a treatment it is a scan. An MRI is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI are used for imaging tissues.