

What is right wing and left wing party?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is right wing and left wing party?
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Is the republican the right wing or left wing?

Right wing, Democrats are left wing and liberals are "far left" and the "far right" of the wing is called the Conservatives.

Was the Nazi party left wing?

no they were and still are right wing

Where is nazi with 1 to 10 scale where left wing is 1 right wing is 10?

The Nazis were (or are) a far-right wing party.

How did Canada end up with a right-wing prime minister?

The left wing Liberal party was embeddled in scandals and the Conservative Party ran on ethics.

Is the left wing the liberal party?

The classic diagram of political ideologies places liberals to the left and conservatives to the right, so "left-wing" refers to liberals.

Is the republican party the same as the British labor party?

No, the Labour Party is the dominant left-wing party of the United Kingdom. The dominant right-wing party is the Conservative Party - but their political stance is probably closer to the Democratic Party than the Republican Party. European countries tend to be more left-wing than the US.

Is the Labor Party in the UK moderate?

The Labour Party started out as a left wing party-of-the-people but, since the 1990s and the advent of "New Labour", it tends to be slightly right wing.

Is a wing apart of the political party?

Sort of, right wing refers to people with Conservative views and left wing refers to people with Liberal views.

What was the name of the German ruling party?

NSDAP National Socialist German Workers Party. NAZI Party

Is euroscepticism a left wing or right wing issue?

It is mainly right wing, but there are eurosceptics who are left wing too.

Does the Australian Labor party have a right wing?

Yes, the ALP has a right wing. Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was considered to have been right-wing, while his successor, Julia Gillard, is said to be of the left-wing faction.

What is a political spectrum line?

The political spectrum is a line that orders political ideologies from right to left: far-right is fascism (eg nazi germany); right-wing would be capitalism (eg USA); the republican/conservative party is right-wing and the democratic/liberal party is left wing; left wing government would be socialism (eg Norway) and Leninism-Marxism (eg Cuba); far left would be communism (eg Soviet Union, Red China)