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Q: What is ringing effect of antenna?
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Can Ambien cause ringing in the ears?

Yes, ringing in the ears is a side effect of ambien although it is fairly fare (.86% of all side effect reports). Most common side effect is headache (19%). But ringing in the ear is one of the side efects.

Does closing the laptop affect the antenna?

I don't really get how you have an antenna on your laptop, but if you do, it does not effect it.

Is ringing in the ears a potential side effect of quitting smoking?

Generally not. If ringing in the ears has occurred at the same time as stopping smoking, this is more likely to be concidental than not.

Explain flywheel effect of a tank circuit?

Fly wheeling or ringing is a process where by circulating current will cause a ringing effect where that is useful is on SCR circuit to reverse power for a shot time enough to reduce holding current therefore shutting the device off

What is the effect of ground on antenna?

walay answer aning questiona just answer it on own way......

What noise can you use to describe an alarm clock ringing?

Brinnnggggg! Use onamotpoeia, to portray the effect of the verb.

When you walked through the backdoor the phone was ringing What is the progressive verb?

was ringingProgressive or contiuous is formed with - be + present was ringing, were ringing, is ringing, are ringing, am ringing

Does nasal congestion and ear congestion cause ringing in the ears?

A head cold can sometimes be associated with ear ringing because it can cause Eustachian tube dysfunction, which usually has ringing as a side effect. However, if it persists past a cold, a doctor should check it since it could be tinnitus or something else serious.

Does keppra or dilantin cause ringing in the ears?

Ringing in the ears is a side effect to depakote. If it is constant and interfering with your life, then you should really consider switching medications. There are better ones out there.

Can you make a sentence using ringing insistently?

My phone is ring ring ringing ringing

What is bell ringing?

Bell ringing is the act of a person ringing bells, especially for a predefined purpose.

What is the English art of sequences bell ringing?

Change ringing in sequence ringing of fixed bells.