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Ringworm of the scalp is known as tinea capitus. (TINN-ee-uh CAP-ih-tuss)

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Q: What is ringworm of the scalp known as?
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Related questions

Where is scalp ringworm most common?

Most common in black children, scalp ringworm can cause scarring and permanent hair loss.

What are the limitations to ringworm on the scalp?

I do know the limitations to ringworm on the scalp, but i don't feel like telling you because I don't like you or your mum.

Can you used clotrimazole on a scalp ringworm?


Can i do someones hair if they have ringworm anywhere on their body but not there scalp?


How do you know if scalp ringworm is healing?

The rash(es) will begin to gradually fade.

How long does it take for ringworm to show?

Tinea corporis: 4 - 10 days. Ringworm of The Body Tinea capitis: 10 - 14 days. Scalp Ringworm

How can you tell if a rabbit has ringworm?

Ringworm is a skin and scalp disease caused by several different kinds of fungi. Ringworm on the scalp usually makes a bald patch of scaly skin. People with ringworm on other parts of their skin can have a ring-shaped rash that is reddish and may be itchy. The rash can be dry and scaly or wet and crusty. If the rabbit has anything like this then it is most likely ringworm and you shouldn't touch it because you can get the ringworm.

If someone has ringworm on their scalp can I do their hair?

No, it is a parasite and your combs, brushes could give it another person.

Your son has been on medication for two weeks for ringworm Is it okay to take him to get his haircut?

I assume you son was treated with griseofulvin for the tinea capitis (scalp ringworm)? If so, sure, he may have a haircut.

Can vaginal anti fungal cream treat a ringworm?

No. Ringworm is a completely different type of fungi than those you can get vaginally. Ringworm is treated via oral medication. Depending on where the ringworm is, you will need separate medication. Scalp ringworm needs to be treated with a special shampoo and pill called Terbinafine. Skin-based ringworm needs to be treated with a course of Itraconazole medication. Vaginal anti-fungal cream will have no effect on ringworm.

Can you scrub your sons ringworm scalp?

No it cant, Go to the doctor and they should give you some ointment to put on it.

Can ringwork kill you?

Ringworm won't kill you, but can start infections that could be deadly. Untreated ringworm can result in an acute infection that may produce running sores on the scalp or painful blisters on the feet.