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Q: What is rocky soil with a short growing season?
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Because of the stony soil and short growing season farming was to the economy of New England?

nonexistent Because of the stony soil and short growing season, farming was _______ to the economy of New England.

In which area did good harbors abundant forests rocky soil and a short growing season most influence the colonial economy?

New England colonie

Why did many settlers to new france abandon farming for trapping and trading?

well... New France is in Canada where the growing season is very short also the soil is rocky and hard... since there is a lot of iron ore.

Why is farming been difficult in Russia?

Because of the short growing season, not enough rain, and lack of good soil.

Why is farming difficult in Russia?

Short growing season, Insufficient rainfall, and lack of fertile soil make farming difficult.

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Taiga is a biome with sandy or rocky soil and very few tall plants.

What kind of soil can be found in grassland?

Rocky soil that is NOT good for growing crops are any plant that needs a lot of WATER

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The Middle Colonies had a longer growing season.

Did the climate of the middle colonies have short warm summers and long winters?

NO they had short winter and long summers.

Why are agricultural products hard to grow northern Alaska?

because its cold

Describe the life of a new England farmer?

Life in New England was not easy. The growing season was short and the soil was rocky. Most farmers practiced subsistence farming. That is, they produced just enough food for themselves and sometimes a little extra to trade in town.Sources: Creating America book and My Great Brain ;)

Were New England farms larger than those Southern Colonies?

New England farms were smaller because with cold climate,poor soil and short growing season to stop agriculture.The Southern Colonies were like the opposite.