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Q: What is roderigo previous relationship to brabanzio and his daughter?
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What is roderigo's previous relationship with barbantio and desdemona?

He has been trying to get them to agree to a marriage between him and Desdemona. Neither is interested.

What is Roderigos previous relationship with brabrantio and desomona?

In Shakespeare's Othello, Roderigo had no relationship with brabantio nor Desdemona. He liked Desdemona and wanted to be with her but she was madly in love with the moor.

What is roderigos previous relationship with brabantio and desdemona?

Roderigo had previously asked to marry Desdemona, but neither she nor Brabantio was impressed by the idea.

What is the relationship between Iago and Roderigo?

Iago gets him to identify himself as the hooligan shouting in the street to Brabantio. It is of course Iago who is guilty of the most crude and vile comments, but Roderigo is is 'fool' and takes the blame.

When was Roderigo created?

Roderigo was created in 1603.

How does Brabantio attitude toward Roderigo change?

Brabantio is wakened by Iago and Roderigo making a lot of noise in the street. He sees Roderigo, who identifies himself, but does not see Iago, who is making foul-mouthed suggestions like "an old black ram is tupping your white ewe." Roderigo has been courting Desdemona and although Brabantio has turned him out of the house he keeps on hanging around like a stalker. Brabantio doesn't like him already and likes him less for waking him up with scurrilous suggestions. This all changes when Brabantio finds out that his daughter has in fact disappeared. Then he turns to Roderigo for help in finding her, which Roderigo is happy to supply. By the end of the scene, he is "good Roderigo" to Brabantio.

What happened when cassio and roderigo fought?

roderigo dies

Who is brabantio and why does iago and roderigo awaken him in the middle of the night?

Brabantio is Desdemona's father. Iago and Roderigo wake him to tell him that Desdemona is running off with Othello. Using filthy and racist language, Iago hopes to anger Brabantio against Othello, which he does.

Who kills roderigo in shakespeares Othello?

During the brawl, Iago kills Roderigo.

Who is Roderigo in the story Othello?

Roderigo was in love with Desdemona, who married Othello instead.

What was iagos reply to roderigo?

Roderigo and Iago have several long conversations in which Iago responds to Roderigo many times. The question needs to be more specific.